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I have discovered I am bisexual. It's confusing, and I am unable to tell my wife.

Tagged as: Gay relationships, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 August 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 28 January 2009)
A male United Kingdom age , *arpee writes:

I have discovered that late in life that I am Bi sexual! I am married to a wonderful lady but I do have a regular male partner and soon we are going to have a threesome with another guy that I know and trust! I am scared of the intensity of my feelings and yet afterwards I feel so disgusted with myself and then I seek female company and the sex is good!

I am very confused, its as though I have a foot in both camps but I am unable to tell my wife or female partner that I have sexual needs with other guy's! I suppose I am a bit of a sex addict and I should feel great but I do not!

View related questions: sex addict, threesome

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 January 2009):

I have the same problem i got drunk one night and woke up in bed with another man but i just cant remember i we had sex or not my wife rang my mobile and i got up and left but the next day my wife spotted love bites on my neck and i told her that it was a man and she was nearly phisicaly sick and she threw me out but the thing is i love having sex with her and i love sex with men i feel like a dirty little whore when a man is inside me but i also want to treat my wife rough and horny like i get treated but she just says im a sick dirty bastard so i would think long and hard before you tell her good luck mate

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (10 August 2008):

You feel disgusted with yourself afterwards -- that's the guilt that you claim you're not feeling.

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A female reader, Tii3RN3Ybbs. United Kingdom +, writes (8 August 2008):

Tii3RN3Ybbs. agony auntWell,

Haven't You Ever Thought that relationships,

Should involve trust, and knowing you can tell you wife anything.

Keeping secrets for a long amount of time could do your relationship a lot off damage.

And im only young, but i still no that.

You wife should no, or soon she could find out a harder way,

and cause so much pain for ur relationship.

Just sit her down and try speaking to her, and tell her how u feel,

she should start to listen.

Well good luck! :]x

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A female reader, SuperSammie United Kingdom +, writes (8 August 2008):

SuperSammie agony auntwell first thing first - does your wife know you are regulary having sex with other people? if she doesn't then that should be the first thing you should tell her.

but towards the bisexual thing, i think you should tell her before you include her in a threesum with another boy, as this could make her feel very dirst and used if you tell her afterwards, as she could just think you used a threesum as an excuse for a guy.

i think you should tell her jokingly to start with, like next time you watch a movie comment on the way a man looks and say you find him attractive, from her reaction you should know how she will react when you tell her for real.

no body can tell you when to tell her, you just have to do that when you are ready, and you have to resect how she feels towards that.

of course she might need some time away from you and she'll have a lot of questions which will need answering.

but after a while she will have got her head around it, and should respect you for telling her.

good luck with telling her x

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