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I get streaks of anger toward my girlfriend. Is this normal?

Tagged as: Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (16 January 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 16 January 2011)
A female United States age 30-35, *ophyah writes:

Oka i dont know if its because im alittle crazy or its just normal..but i get streaks of anger toward my girlfriend. Some times i love her to death and never ever want her to leave me, when she has to go to work. Ever! Then its like everything she does talk.. touch me..move over..walk..breathe..its crazy but i knowif she wanted to leave me i wouldnt want her to go? is that normal? do i not love her...i dont i so confused?....

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A female reader, Sophyah United States +, writes (16 January 2011):

Sophyah is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Sophyah agony auntMs. Angel

i thought that maybe the reaon we are around each other alot

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A female reader, angelDlite United Kingdom +, writes (16 January 2011):

angelDlite agony aunthi

sounds like maybe you spend too much time together (coz you don't want to be alone without her) but then because you are together too much she irritates the hell out of you coz what you actually need is a bit of space, away from her, away from everybody, just to have quiet time to yourself to relax. does this sound true?

do you have any interests / hobbies / other friends that you can spend your spare time with and have have a break from her sometimes? it might help


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