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I can't decided if I should move in with him or not

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Question - (26 June 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 26 June 2007)
A female United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend is married and we have been dating for 9 months now. He didnt have a job in the beging he always asked me for money. He is now working wont get divorced and he wants me to move in with him. He is a wonderful guy i love him. I just dont know if i should move in or not?

View related questions: divorce, money

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A female reader, AntoniaLynn United States +, writes (26 June 2007):

I think that's a pretty big step, and you may want to be upfront and honest with him. Ask him what his intentions are. Why would be want you to move in with him and not be willing to end his marriage? That's an important questions I would want answered by him. It might hurt to hear his answer, but it will most likely help you understand the situation a little better.

Best of Luck!

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A female reader, dragonette Sweden +, writes (26 June 2007):

dragonette agony auntUsually I'm not a moral hag, but in this case I think there's something to be said for not having relationships with married men.

Even if this guy is technically separated from his wife, he is not enough into you to ask for a divorce. In my eyes it means that he's not committed enough to you and probably wants to have the possibility to slip back into his marriage if things don't work out.

Moving in with him is not the best idea in the world, but you already knew this, otherwise you wouldn't have written this post.

I'd recommend you have a few days to yourself and think of if he is really worthy of your time and your youth.

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