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I am dating my step neice but scared about our family finding out

Tagged as: Dating, Family, Forbidden love<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 December 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 2 March 2008)
A male United States age 30-35, *lan0889 writes:

my step niece and i are very close in a relationship and we are so crazy about each other! i don't know what to do either because they will disown us if they find out. i've never been so happy in my life! what should I do?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (2 March 2008):

As long as you do not have a common blood ancestor, there is nothing wrong with dating her. People who would say it's incest are not only wrong, but dumb. It would be artificial incest, not real incest, because you and her do not share a common blood relative. The reason people don't like it is because step relatives often live together like real relatives, even though they are not. People come up with some pretty insane ideas and thoughts some times that don't make sense.

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A female reader, LoveAgonyAuntxx United Kingdom +, writes (27 December 2007):

Dear alan0889,

I've been in that drama before in my life and d'you know what.... We have kept it a total secet. I loved im soo muc though and it was difficult. But because I really loved him I said I dont care if tey find out because I know I love him, so take my advice, if you really love her you wouldnt care about what oter people think

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