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How long are your arms supposed to be?

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Question - (9 August 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 9 August 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

heya.... how long are your arms meant to be? i mean where are they meant to hang to (e.g your thighs, knees, hips) because i am short (5'1) and my arms hang past my thighs... some one mentioned to me that i had long arms for a short person so now i am concred but before that i didnt notice.

thanks xxxxx

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A female reader, skye United Kingdom +, writes (9 August 2007):

skye agony auntHello sweetheart,

We are all made differently. There is no right or wrong length for arms. When you body stops growing you will realise that everything is "just right" for you.

There are lots of different shapes and sizes in this world. None of them are wrong. I dont think your arms are too long for your age and height. I think you havent finished growing yet.

Take care sweetheart and dont worry,


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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (9 August 2007):

eyeswideopen agony auntYour arms should be long enough to reach your hands ;). Seriously don't worry about it you are still growing, things will balance off nicely when you are all done.

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