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How do I start to get to know this girl better?

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Question - (8 August 2008) 5 Answers - (Newest, 8 August 2008)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Stuff about me is I'm 16, I'm pretty slim cuz of the high metabolism and good looking. I'm on the computer like 75% of the time but am willing to go out anywhere and anytime. I have goals to go to college and get a good job. And like most gentleman I have good manners when I'm in public, patient, and cares for others because I was raised right. I have interest in many types music, technology, movies, etc.

Story starts when my father introduced me to his long lost friend's daughter who is 17 is around the same age as me but is about 7-8 months older than me. I don't really mind if she's older than me with a gap that small.

Well we are both high schoolers aiming for different colleges and becoming seniors this year but do not go the the same school. My father acting like himself all the time trying to get me closer to girls asked her if she could go to the Prom with me, and said "yes" but from my point of view she had some pressure because her father and my father were kind of looking at her smiling(I was looking from a far away distance when my dad asked).

Funny thing is we live like 2 blocks away from each other(I forgot to tell her father if I could come by at any time, and they have no the only way I could get in is if I call). Well we txt message each other and I try to ask a question every now and then just to know a little about her.

She has a brother who 1 year younger than I am and we get along pretty well and got no problems with the family so far. Her brother hogs the computer most of the time so me being a computer guy won't get some chemistry with her at the moment.

She's a really nice girl and I would like to know more about her either using txt or calls but I don't know what to say.(I called her once but it was like only for 1min :( she sounded a little rushed at the time)

Something that bothers me a little bit is that she could drive and has a car already as for me being a little lazy haven't done the Driving test yet but when I get it my dad would just give his car to me and buy a new one. So at the moment if I were to ask her out on date or anything it would be kinda lame not driving.

Also since I just met her I don't know if she had any relationships because I don't want to be is situations of cheating or anything(and if she did have someone already I would just pass and cuz after all there are many other girls out there and have like the next 20 years to find one). I'm not sure by looking at her but she seems kinda conservative which is what I'm looking for.

I would like to know by just using a txt if she can tell me herself, without me having to say "do you have a boyfriend" cuz that automatically indicates me hitting on her when I just want to start out as friends and closer at that point. I would ask her brother but even he would feel suspicious heh.

I'm beginning to form my first relationship and just trying to get closer and social to girls in person so I wont have a problem in the future. And if this girl becomes "this special person" I wouldn't mind being with her forever :P

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A male reader, Slowhands United States +, writes (8 August 2008):

Well I asked her in a kind a funny way I txt it like this:

"So did you get some sleep today? Or were you talken on the phone all night again with your boyfriend. Haha."

she answered she had no boyfriend giving me no suspicion on hitting on her.

Chance! :)

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A female reader, SuperSammie United Kingdom +, writes (8 August 2008):

SuperSammie agony aunthi there.

well to find out if she has a boyfriend you culd say something like

"will your boyfriend mind if i take you to the prom?"

this way she could tell you if she has a boyfriend and how she feels towards him. if she says she has a boyfriend then you can just be like 'oh right, sorry if you felt a bit pressured about coming to the prom with me'

this way you could start a conversation and you'd know if she has a boyfriend.

when you phone her, you could talk about what she's wearing for the prom, she would like this because girls like to know the guys are interested in them and what they do.

also because she already drives you could ask her to help you pass your test, or ask advice about what car to buy and stuff.

and in time, you will have developed a great friendship which means you can tell her how you really feel about her, and see if she likes you too, which if she does GREAT! you could have a brilient relationship.

but if she does have a boyfriend or if she doesn't like you the same way you like her, then her loss, and there's still plenty other girls out there for you.

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A male reader, 19yearoldguru United States +, writes (8 August 2008):

oo good advice from the other guy. well it already sounds like you are doing the right thing, infact, sounds like meh lol, i like the same things... except for the slim thing, and yes i do spend a lot of my time infront of the computer, and im willing to go places, lets see

she's 17, hmm hard to say, girls at that age are tricky... never really know unless you ask, get to know her a little more say 1-2 months max, then start asking stuff like,

"where doy ou think this is going"

but for right now, play it cool, casual.

there really are no "tricks" to stuff like this just gotta remember three things

1. be open

2. be yourself

3. be honest

if you follow those you cant go wrong

hope this helps

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (8 August 2008):

thanks for the tip bro.

For those who have some other stuff to help I'm open for more :)

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A male reader, Ed1337 United Kingdom +, writes (8 August 2008):

Ed1337 agony auntHello

I'm in a similar situation, I really like the barmaid down my local. I have her mobile number and I wanted to find out if she had a boyfriend or not.

I decided to send her a text which went something like this "does your boyfriend ever come to the (pub name) at all? and she replied "No, I don't have a boyfriend".

You could send her a message to do with taking your driving lessons, like can you recommend a good driving instructor, then follow it up with "does your boyfriend drive as well?" This won't seem too suspicious if thats what your worried about.

Good luck


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