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How do I get over and let go of someone I don't even have?

Tagged as: Crushes<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (16 June 2012) 1 Answers - (Newest, 19 June 2012)
A male United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

I'm a junior in high school and ever since the first day of school I've been so infatuated by this guy I met in my pottery class. And all throughout the year I've been drooling over him and admiring him from afar. He's a tall, cute, kind and handsome baseball player. He's a total package. I don't get very much crushes but when I do, I crush hard. We're friends and whenever he talks to me or looks at me I get butterflies and when he shows that adorable smile of his my heart melts. I literally tried anything possible all year to be in contact with him whether physical or other. A hug, a hand shake, I tried whatever I could to be near him. But the sucky part is, as far as I know, he's straight and has a girlfriend. And now that school's about to end, it's kind of killing me knowing that i won't be able to see him as often anymore. He's the first guy that's truly attracted me physically, mentally, emotionally, and I said I don't get very many crushes. And I've never been in a relationship and I just daydream of what a perfect boyfriend he could be. I don't what to do, how do I get over and let go of someone I don't even have?

View related questions: crush, has a girlfriend, player

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 June 2012):

Find a new love intrest. Or if you cant do that, then whenever you think about them, try and make yourself busy to stop yourself from thinking of them. Or you could write down all the bad things about on a peice of paper. Or you could put a rubber band on your wrist and whenever you think about them, ping yourself. The pain would overcome the thouvht of them. Hope this helps!!

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