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How can I trust and love my new partner after what I've been through?

Tagged as: Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (6 April 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 7 April 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, *irsty hampson writes:

dear cupid hi im jst startin a new relationship and a year and half ago i fleed domestic violence also lost my 4 children through it. my new partner is the most loving person and caring but i think im pushing him away because im scared because of my last relationship please cupid answer my questions how i can have trust and love my new partner thankyou

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A male reader, Welsh Uncle Dave United Kingdom +, writes (7 April 2011):

You have to see him as a different person and a fresh chance. It's understandable that you have fears because your last relationship has left you mentally scarred.

Look for the positives you get from your new guy and give him a chance. Does he know about your past? Might it help telling him?

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