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Help... am I gay?

Tagged as: Pornography, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (3 January 2010) 5 Answers - (Newest, 15 January 2010)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

im 17 year old male. i perfer watching gay porn thinking of boys and penis and using anal toys. i think that this makes me gay so i decided to watch straight porn and i didnt get erect or feel anything, but when i watch gay porn it really turns me on.

ive never dreamed about a woman but i dream alot about giveing boys bj and playing with there cocks.

i dont like any of the girls at collage but i think a few of the boys are really hot and i masterbate over them. i know that there not gay and i dont think there is any other people that think there gay in my collage, so i cant date one but i would really love to.

ive not found a girl attractive in about 2 years but i find lots of boys attractive and i look at there bums and croch area and i think that there so nice and i think about whats under them.

my friends are stright and dont no that i think like this i pertend that girls are fit around them but i dont think about them in the same way as the boys i see.

noone knows that i think this way.

so the questions are:

do you think im gay??

if i am what should i do??

should i tell someone??

and if i should tell someone how should i do it??

i really need help thanks in advance.

ps sorry its alot to read i just really need help :)

View related questions: gay porn, porn

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 January 2010):

you do sound like your now gay It just took time for your mind and hormones to decide this for you enjoy and play safe take your time Your only young

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A male reader, AvgGuy1 United States +, writes (13 January 2010):

AvgGuy1 agony aunt

I went thru this very thing when I was younger. I went to school at an isolated school in the mountain states in the US. There MIGHT have been other gays on campus... but I couldn't tell who they were.

A bit about coming out. 1 - If your parents are paying for your schooling... do NOT tell them. Until you are out of school. They may just cut off your funding. 2 - There's no need to tell ANYONE unless you feel you want to or should... AND that you TRUST the person implicitly.

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A female reader, Skit16 United States +, writes (11 January 2010):

Skit16 agony aunt Sweetie, im a lesbian that absolutely CAN NOT get off to lesbian porn. I like to see straight porn but would not touch a penis with a stick in real life. However, I don't fantasize about men and THAT should set off a few alarms for you. Maybe you're bisexual, which is fine. Try it out in real life and see what you think.

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A male reader, baddogbj China +, writes (3 January 2010):

baddogbj agony auntAbsolutely Gay but then you seem to know that already. No need to tell anyone until you find a nice boy that you like.

Dr. Merryweather, if you put on your reading glasses I think that you find that its "collage" rather than college. The poor boy is talking about some kind of art class ...

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A male reader, Dr.LanceMerryweather United Kingdom +, writes (3 January 2010):

Dr.LanceMerryweather agony auntYou're definitely as queer as a ten-pound note.

By the way, how on earth did you get into college with such atrocious spelling?

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