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He was seeing someone else when we started dating, I don't know what to think now! Advice please?

Tagged as: Cheating, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 January 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 7 January 2010)
A female United States age 41-50, *ookiemon77 writes:

Does it matter if my fiance was seeing some one when we first started? Until we really got serious maybe several months into the relationship. Now he says there is no one and we are getting married. Should this be alarming. They shared a phone together all the way until now he had it off because he changed his number but still had that one until he disconnected it because I asked him to. I don't know what to think any more.

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (7 January 2010):

I would slow down. If you had to ask him to get rid of a phone, then he hadn't really severed the connection between him and her. Slow down, watch him and see how he acts and make a decision when you know more about what has been going on.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 January 2010):

Maybe he is being honest and only you know him well enough to judge his personality and decide if you believe him. Men can be really silly sometimes and to him sharing a phone may have been nothing and he might not be able to imagine you having a problem with this. We can all jump to the wrong conclusions sometimes, when you first started dating perhaps to him until you both say you are boyfriend and girlfriend he can be free to see anyone, now you are serious and engaged he could be loyal and faithful.

Ultimately you need to talk some more together. If you always have a doubt in your mind, hold off from marriage and you could both see a relationship counsellor. You have to ask yourself if you will ever trust him the same because it isn't a good basis for marriage if you doubt him.

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A male reader, mr.romance Germany +, writes (7 January 2010):

mr.romance agony auntwell sweetheart if he did it once he may do again not because he doest love you because he already got the nerve in his body to do it and maybe youll end up like the other girl


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