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He dumped me but is trying to talk to me under a false screen name?

Tagged as: Breaking up, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 November 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 18 November 2010)
A male United States age 30-35, *eedadavice writes:

ok my ex boyfriend broke up with me about a month ago im deeply inlove with this guy and hes acted like it didnt bother him 2 weeks after the break up i star gettin private calls back to back nonstop (i know its him) so one day on aim i get a im from a screen name saying this is me the one who calls private he tell me his name is dre and all dis and we start to talk i tell him bout my ex and i know its my ex for a fact buti play along with it and idk what does this mean he hits me up everyday trys to give me advice bout me and my ex mean while its him like its crazy and weird and hes always talking bout my ex like and its him does he want me back like what is going on im seriously confused?

View related questions: broke up, my ex

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A female reader, MsVick United States +, writes (18 November 2010):

MsVick agony auntHe just wants to see what you are up too and what you will say about your "ex" to him. I went through something sort of like this and basically it is a way for them to be with you, but not be if that makes sense. Many guys don't want a woman, but they cannot let go so they try to hang on without losing face. Block the guy, so that you can move on and not look back.

good luck

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A female reader, aunt honesty Ireland +, writes (18 November 2010):

aunt honesty agony auntHe is checking up on you, it doesnt mean that he wants you back he is just checking probably to make sure that you arent with any other guys because even when a guy breaks up with a girl and moves on he still likes to think that he was her last fella and he still feels that she belongs to him even if he doesnt want her anymore. Stop talking to him under his false name, block him from your chat and see if he has enough courage to talk to you as himself, if you ask me what he is doing is childish he needs to grow up and speak to you as himself if he wants to talk to you. Stop talking to him now and see if he will come back to you. goodluck.

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