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Have I been taken for a fool?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (9 August 2016) 3 Answers - (Newest, 9 August 2016)
A male United States age , anonymous writes:

Been seeing someone six months. we met on a dating site. i thought everything was going great. she dumps me out of the blue. for one thing i took myself off of the dating site. she didn't, so i got back on it. she all of a sudden was off of it. so did she find someone else, or thought she didn't like the dating site? so was she still looking for someone the whole time we were together? so in other words i wasn't good enough, while we were together to get off the dating site. so should i have seen that as a red flag? i took myself off of the dating site right in front of her. was i a fool? i treated her real good, not one argument; always a good time. Thanks

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (9 August 2016):

This happened to me in online dating, I just assumed after dates with me I had traumatized them and they never wanted to go near online dating again and deleted their account! Lol I wouldn't read too much into it. Personally I Wouldn't delete my account though unless we had been dating a while exclusively and mutually agreed to delete.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (9 August 2016):

I'm not trying to be mean, but is it possible she just wasn't into you? I mean, it's possible she just wanted to go on dates and when you got serious, she disappeared

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A female reader, Ivyblue Australia +, writes (9 August 2016):

Ivyblue agony auntYour no fool but I think the best way for you to find an answer to your question is to pick up the phone and ask. From an outsider looking in, just because she still had an active account doesn't necessarily mean she was active on it herself. She may have, but thats not always the case. Could it be at all feasible that she took a sneak peek to see if you were still on the site? Because if she knew you weren't then discovered you were perhaps it was her thinking you were actively seeking others hence her dumping you. So my point Im trying to make ,is this a scenario of crossed wires? With so many cases or victims if you like of online dating who knows what peoples true intent is or why people whip back up the walls of emotional protection?

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