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Does this supplement have any bad side effects?

Tagged as: Health, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 August 2009) 6 Answers - (Newest, 21 August 2009)
A male United States age 30-35, *ctiveplay writes:

Hey guys!

You have helped me with different things for quite sometime=]. I have a new question for you all. I have been trying to get big mucles. I dropped by GNC one today and they introduced me to a TEST BOOSTER that is 100% Natural, its name is ARIMATEST. Though it calls for an 18 year old man, im 17. The good news is I will be 18 in less than nine months. They assured me its safe. All the reviews I have read are great. This product is amazing and not harmful like anabotic steroids. I used it today and it really did help. It improved my curl by about 15 pounds!!! How amazing. Im only going to take 1 round of it. Thats 2 months long. It also is said that it can help mental function. But my question is; Is there any bad side effects? In other words is this going to make me die at a young age?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 August 2009):

Ok, I did a little research on my own and here is what I know so far.

This is an aromatase inhibitor that goes directly into the bloodstream. It decreases the hormone estrogen and increases testosterone levels that help to build muscle mass.

The most common side effects are joint pain. More serious side effects can be bone loss and heart problems.

I don't think messing around with your natural hormone levels is a good thing to do because it does damage your heart over time....and the number one thing men die from is coronary artery disease.

My old cat is a male, so I guess this must be part of the reason it will work for him, plus he has weak kidneys and he needs something to counteract the depletion of muscle stores that his kidneys are zapping out of him....heart is fine and undoubtedly he is a very old cat, and won't be around probably more than another year or two at best, so heart damage from one injection every so often is not going to happen for him.....he will just wear out from age.

So maybe you might want to get a physical and ask your doctor about adding this hormone therapy to your work out regimen, it sounds dicey to me.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 August 2009):

The other thing I am guessing, but perhaps you will discover it when you research it on your will want to eat a balanced diet of veggies and good carbs, because with all this extra protein that you are taking in, if you have healthy kidneys, you can cause them to go into ketosis if you are taking in too much protein, which can actually damage the eat well.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 August 2009):

You can google this and read about it.

It is funny you mention this stuff, the first I heard of it was from my vetrinarian. My 17 year old cat is starting to have kidney failure, he is losing weight and muscle mass especially in his hindquarters. He doesn't have any major nauseau with his weakening kidneys, but the weight loss and muscle loss is a problem for him, because if he gets to where he can't walk even though his heart and lungs and everything is fine, I will have to put him down.

My vet wants to give him an injection of this to help his muscles, when kidneys don't work well, they don't process protein well and the body starts getting it's protein requirements from the muscle.

The side effect for the cat is increased appetite, which is OK for him because he is losing weight due to losing muscle.

A body builder using this stuff is just helping to repair muscle tissue after working the muscle and giving the body extra protein stores which help to build muscle mass.

I don't know if there are any side effects with it, but I am thinking weight gain is one of them due to increased appetite. So keep an eye on that if you don't want to get a spare tire, watch your calorie intake and match it to the calories you are buring off.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 August 2009):

You can google this and read about it.

It is funny you mention this stuff, the first I heard of it was from my vetrinarian. My 17 year old cat is starting to have kidney failure, he is losing weight and muscle mass especially in his hindquarters. He doesn't have any major nauseau with his weakening kidneys, but the weight loss and muscle loss is a problem for him, because if he gets to where he can't walk even though his heart and lungs and everything is fine, I will have to put him down.

My vet wants to give him an injection of this to help his muscles, when kidneys don't work well, they don't process protein well and the body starts getting it's protein requirements from the muscle.

The side effect for the cat is increased appetite, which is OK for him because he is losing weight due to losing muscle.

A body builder using this stuff is just helping to repair muscle tissue after working the muscle and giving the body extra protein stores which help to build muscle mass.

I don't know if there are any side effects with it, but I am thinking weight gain is one of them due to increased appetite. So keep an eye on that if you don't want to get a spare tire, watch your calorie intake and match it to the calories you are buring off.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 August 2009):

NATURAL means nothing... there's a TON of natural stuff that's toxic as hell... the industry has spent millions preventing legislation to define "natural"...

Aspestos is natural, lead is natural, uranium is natural... ingest enough of any of those 3 and your one dead dude...

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A female reader, asian tealeaf Canada +, writes (21 August 2009):

asian tealeaf agony auntwhy dont u just workout naturally as ur body releases testosterone naturally on its own. a lot of males get into the hype of BIGGER IS BETTER" all around. lets face it. if we gals wanted rock hard wed cuddle a log. its the quicker but, lazier way of gettibg bigger faster, and, while at THIS MOMENT THE PRODUCERS OF THE SAID PRODUCT ARE CLAIMING THERE ARE NO BAD SIDE EFFECTS, NOTHING IS 100%! why mess with ur bodys natural functions? just continue doing ur high reps and weights, good cardio etc and u will beef up naturally, may take a ;ittle longer but hard work pays off. yes, HARD is the term i use. good luck muscle man. dont let ur buddies pressure u into doing steroids, or any other said products that are anabolic free etc. the brain is a powerful tool. use it!!

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