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Does he still love me but trying to forget about me?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 June 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 26 June 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

i am 15 year old, recently i met a boy and fall in love for first time but it is not a facination. after one month he said he cant do anything and he need a breakup i agreed and he just became only my just friend and if only a friend he should talk to me but here still he keeping distance and saying i dnt want to talk to you. what should i do? i dnt want any problems with anyone. but is he still loves and trying to forget abt me or something?

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A female reader, betty_black United Kingdom +, writes (26 June 2009):

betty_black agony auntYeah Samii is completely right. If the guy wants distance give it too him! dont overpower him, just give him space. He'll either miss you like crazy and come running back or he wont. And if he doesnt move on and find someone worthy of your time!

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