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Do you exes ever try to contact you when you ask for no contact?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 March 2008) 6 Answers - (Newest, 31 March 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, *amarillo writes:

Ok well...i phoned up my ex after he initiated contact with me a week ago. At first things were ok. But then it got worse and i pretty much pleaded with him to give it another try and he gave the same excuses again and i kept asking for it for the next two hours and then finally i just said i con't want him to contact me anymore because its not fair on me. At which point he got annoyed with me. Anyway i have not heard from him since then.

I have pretty much have lost any chance of reconciliation with him.

How do i stay on track with no contact? Do you exes ever try to contact you when you ask for no contact?

View related questions: my ex

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (31 March 2008):

Laura1318 agony auntI am sorry to hear that.

You will grief over the loss but don't grief for too long as

the new world is outside there and there is still life after him.

I am sure you will find the right one .

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A female reader, Tamarillo United Kingdom +, writes (30 March 2008):

Tamarillo is verified as being by the original poster of the question

I am going totally crazy on the inside..i can't think straight right now. I wish he would suffer but i know hes already ahead of the getting over the break up curve.

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A female reader, Tamarillo United Kingdom +, writes (30 March 2008):

Tamarillo is verified as being by the original poster of the question

so i have pretty much ruined everything right?

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A female reader, Tamarillo United Kingdom +, writes (30 March 2008):

Tamarillo is verified as being by the original poster of the question

the email i sent him was this

Dear (name)

I phoned you up yesterday and asked for another chance to work things out.All I can say is that I tried my best and you rejected my efforts.You have already had a head start in the grieving process and I have yet to start mine again. Next saturday is my sure you forgot that.

Hope your weekend is going well

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A female reader, Tamarillo United Kingdom +, writes (30 March 2008):

Tamarillo is verified as being by the original poster of the question

well i just sent him an email saying i tried my best and that he rejected my offer and that i was getting on with it.

he doesnt want it...i have to accept that fact...its been dragging on for three months now.

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (30 March 2008):

Laura1318 agony auntDon't beg or plead with him.

You would appear to be the clingy one and it is a turn off for him.

Nothing is final yet. It is only an intermission or a pause in your relationship.

Do not contact him for now and wait for him to contact you.

Give him some space and time to assess your relationship.

If the decision is favourable , he will contact you again.

If he realized that he cannot get along without you he will

contact you whether you tell him not to contact him or not.

If he does not contact you , it is probably over.

Nothing you gonna say or do will bring him back.

You may try to call him up as a friend after a week or so

to test the water and see if he he has changed his position.

Sometimes , time can solve some of your problems.

His outlook may have changed.

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