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Dating a guy whose ex-girlfriend is nothing but trouble. Help!

Tagged as: Breaking up, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 March 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 11 March 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I've been dating this lovely guy for the last month. Everything between us is fine, but his ex girlfriend is causing nothing but problems. She keeps sending him messages saying how she is going out with her friends on the pull,etc. But the one thing that has got my back up the most is the fact she has told my guy that someone keeps sending her threatening messages on facebook and is making out it has something to do with him. However after talking to a few other girls who know her they have said that they believe she is the one making it all up and is just attention seeking. But how can i get him to realise this and stop worrying over what she is doing? It's getting him down and it's annoying me as she is ruining our dating time! I feel like he is far too soft and won't just stand up to her and tell her to go away as they are well and truly over. She just won;t leave him alone and f-off. Any advice would be grateful

View related questions: ex girlfriend, facebook, his ex

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 March 2011):

You both need to ignore her as she seems to be getting her way and by 'being' in your relationship...block her on facebook and he should avoi taking her calls...Anything but a polite greeting if he bumps into her in public...Just show her she is not important anymore

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