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Confused about me sexuality and looking at porn.

Tagged as: Pornography, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 January 2009) 5 Answers - (Newest, 23 January 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My question, i guess, is sort of about porn.

Okay, so i'm seventeen, and i a little sexually confused. i thought theat by looking at porn i'd get a better answer about whether i was straight, or a lesbian, or bi, or pan, or WHAT! in fact, i enjoy some male on male anime porn quite a bit, and have been reading stories about gay males ofr quite awhile.

I figured though, that it wouldn't be conclusive evidence to make straightness, unless i got aroused by actual people going at it. but quite frankly, i just don't seem to find regular porn appealing. honestly when i say i watched anime porn, i meant the visual equivilant of what you might find in your average trashy romance novel. So basically porn for porns sake just... squicks me. i'm not sure why. maybe because most porn on the internet appears to be in no way sensual? idk. i hope someone can help. i think something might be wrong with me...

View related questions: lesbian, porn, the internet

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A female reader, MutantKitten Canada +, writes (23 January 2009):

MutantKitten agony auntWell, are you going to University in september? It's a great place to figure that sort of thing out (as long as you're being safe). For me, I never realized that I never really liked anyone before because I'm not physically attracted to white guys. To me they mostly look like my cousins.

Don't be too worried about late blooming or figuring yourself out. Just try to be honest with yourself and keep your eyes open.

Also, if you wanted, I'm sure you could make another pass at your friend if you're still interested in her.

why don't you friend me? it looks like it's just you and me discussing this anyway.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 January 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

nope, and that's the problem. the whole porn thing was really just a way to be sure, without the whole awkwardness. i guess i'm a bit of a late bloomer in that respect. i'll be eighteen in march, and i've always been pretty quiet, and not very outgoing. i have a few close friends, and some male aquaintances, but i don't date. er, i haven't dated. that's one of the reason's i was confused. a couple years ago a female friend of mine acutally suggested we "experiment". i was a little freaked. i'd never thought of myself int hat kind of situation at all, was convinced of my heterosexuality, and had never even kissed a boy. i turned her down gently. i kinda wished i hadn't now, cause at least i would have some experiance.

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A female reader, MutantKitten Canada +, writes (21 January 2009):

MutantKitten agony auntYup. Nooo need to be worried. If you go to conventions (ohh the secret geek shame emerges) it's all screaming girls who go watch the yaoi.

I'm not really into porn either. I'd rather read Outlander any day. Some girls love it, others don't. I mean...if Choi Siwon were in it, maybe you could convince me ;)

So do you have any dating/sexual experience that might guide you as to what you like or don't like? That's probably more indicative of what you like in real life, as opposed to yaoi.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 January 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

thanks for that.^^ i don't have a lot of people i'd feel comfortable asking that sort of thing from, they're all too uptight.. or the type who actually enjoy porn... the other day i literally asked my best female friend what the point of porn was, are you just supposed to randomly see some people having sex and get turned on? and she just looked at me like i was stupid. i wondered if most people do, and i was just being weird, because i do like the build up in romance novels, and yaoi anime.

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A female reader, MutantKitten Canada +, writes (18 January 2009):

MutantKitten agony auntNothing's wrong with you!

Actual porn is more of a guy thing.

Guys are much more visual than girls.

Girls like romance, closeness, attraction, not a bored looking girl and a faceless guy rubbing their nasty bits for money.

I bet what you like about the anime porn is the tension, the romance, the emotion, and the talk right? Those are exactly the things girls like. That's why romance novels are so popular with girls. Also, guys like lesbians, so can't girls like gay guys? twice the fun right?

Who are you attracted to in real life? That's what'll tell you what your sexuality is. You could experiment a bit with both if you're not sure. In today's society, not many people will judge you for being confused.

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