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Was I always the side chick?

Q.   So me and this guy were dating for around 7 months we had gotten back together after we stopped talking for 6 years. He Brooke up with me about a week and a half ago and he's already got a new girlfriend. When he broke up with me I had accused ...

A.   9 March 2016: Wow what a charmer, in these situations I'd say imagine you have a daughter you love very much and the situation you are in is happening to her, what would you tell her to do? Now listen to that advice and never speak to this narcissistic fool ... (read in full...)

Is this a healthy relationship? Should I stop texting? Is he using me?

Q.   Hi, me and my boyfriend met on Facebook,we've met 5 times and have been going out for two weeks. We used to text all the time, almost 24\7. Now I'm fed up and every time he texts me I ignore it and reply an hour later. It makes me sad to think th...

A.   9 March 2016: First after being together for just two weeks he wants to do sexual things with you and your age is between 13 and 15? You're quite young and I think you need to learn about the word "Respect". A boy should like you for you not about sexual favours ... (read in full...)

I think my boyfriend is involved in criminal activity!

Q.   This is going to sound like a really weird question but I feel like I'm going round and round in circles and going mad. I think my boyfriend is into some criminal stuff. I don't actually have physical evidence of this, apart from what I have seen ...

A.   15 April 2014: The fact that you need to look through his phone speaks a lot. Finish with the guy he's not into this relationship 100%. You deserve better unless his antics give you a thrill?... (read in full...)

Is there one person you've never got over?

Q.   Is there one person you've never got over? When I was in my early 20s I had a brief (2 year) relationship with a man. He was the first man to ever treat me properly and he was the perfect gentleman - for the first 18 months at least! The last ...

A.   15 April 2014: You are living in the illusion of what if. He sounds like a lovely man just feel lucky you were once his but the cosmos decided he wasn't to be. If you do see him acknowledge him with a smile and a nod of the head and feel fortunate you found who ... (read in full...)

I found two long blonde hairs in my room and am worried my husband is cheatig again!

Q.   Found 2 hairs that aren't mine. My husband of 5 yrs used to cheat on me via Internet and once I found out he apologised and continued it for 2 long years and perfectly made lies although I found them all out. The other day I found 2 blonde long hair ...

A.   13 April 2014: He's cheated before and now it sounds like you are making yourself anxious with worry. I'm afraid you will always feel this and it isn't fair to yourself. I believe your relationship is over as you're never going to trust him again are you? Get some... (read in full...)

Should I 'go there' with this older friend?

Q.   Basically I need some advice as to whether or not I should ‘go there’ with a friend. So, I have known this guy since I was 20, I am now 24 and he is 40. We met through work and were good friends. After I left my job, we did not speak for a whil...

A.   12 March 2014: I don't think the age gap is a problem there were 18 years difference with my granparents and they had a very loving and happy marriage with each other. I think he respects you thats why he is a bit hot and cold with you, and maybe doesn't want you ... (read in full...)

Should I let this go?

Q.   I'm absolutely fuming! Please read! Last night I went out to dinner for my friends birthday. There were 9 of us in total and a few friends of hers who I don't know. I wasn't feeling well as I had some work on my teeth and on tablets so I c...

A.   1 March 2014: Don't say a word you'll end up as sounding bitter and a moaner. You know the truth and probably so does your friend. The fact the woman wrote about it on facebook saying it put a downside to a great evening shows how childish she is. Keep your chin ... (read in full...)

Will he be better to her than he was to me?

Q.   Will he be different with her? My husband and I divorced mainly because he was very emotionally/verbally abusive and he walked out. We have a child together-so I try to maintain a civil relationship with him because of that. He has a girlfr...

A.   26 February 2014: Leopards rarely change their spots. I was with a guy for 7 years and he was turning into an alcholic, abusive cheater. I gained some self respect and left and completely turned my life to be better. He reeled one of his conquests in got engaged and ... (read in full...)

How can I deal with these noisy people?

Q.   This is quite a basic question but I feel like I need some objective advice on the matter. Basically, I live in a halls of residence at university so I don't expect silence in the slightest, I knew when I moved in that there would be noise and so ...

A.   22 February 2014: Can't you ask to be moved to another block?... (read in full...)

Do I keep blocking him or unblock him? I think how I've moved on is the best revenge?

Q.   I had a few posts here and got really good advice. My ex dumped me nearly a year ago. We talked a few times. I initiated contact most of the times. I couldn't let go and get over him because we planned to get married before we broke up and he's my ...

A.   18 February 2014: If he has a new girlfriend he's hardly pining for you. Move on he has, get rid of the photos and letters and meet a person who would be more than happy to marry you. If you can do that it'll be the sweetest revenge. ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend is acting sneaky with his laptop and phone!

Q.   I live with my boyfriend of 5 years and have always trusted him but have been noticing recently that he acts sneaky with his phone and laptop. If I come into the room he will swipe everything off his page so that I can't see he also always makes ...

A.   18 February 2014: I'd get a new hairstyle, a new wardrobe and start getting a life with my friends. Then he'll be back at you. The problem is your relationship has become stagnant and you do nothing exciting. He has clearly started to get a social life without you so ... (read in full...)

How can he love me and want to share me?

Q.   I have met a man who seems wonderful in every way. We have an incredible connection on so many levels yet I have a question. He has said to me that if I feel the desire to have sex with another man in his presence he is ok with that. Even turned on ...

A.   18 February 2014: My best friend is in a similiar relationship with her partner, they seem to be fine with it and just put it down to being sexually open minded and keeping their sex life fresh and exciting. I on the other hand would start to think if I allowed him ... (read in full...)

He said he loves my company, but I think I'm in the friend zone

Q.   Hello dear Aunts and Uncles, So, i have recently met a new friend (about a month ago)... The thing is i like him as more than a friend... the other thing is i don't know if there are any chances he might like me back... The night we met he gave m...

A.   17 February 2014: I'd ask him straight out what he thinks of you. If you carry on the way you do you're going to read into it too much and might get hurt if this other girl is a potential girl friend. Getting with his frienemy? Well at least he knows other people are ... (read in full...)

Should I have talked to my Ex Husband?

Q.   My ex husband and I have been separated for 3 and half years, due to his constant online cheating. After the split, things got ugly and he turned into a very ugly person, calling me names and threats, our kids dont talk to him. I saw him this wee...

A.   16 February 2014: I think you did the best thing. Remember he has treated you in the past terribly, you are the mother of his children. By ignoring him you have sent him a clear message that you will not tolerate his behaviour. In years to come you may salvage some ... (read in full...)

Could it be that my friend has abandonment issues from the past? What can I do, considering she may take her cheater back, again?

Q.   I'm concerned for a friend she is totally paranoid her boyfriend will cheat on her and after losing her father to alcoholism related disease I think she has issues. Two years ago there was evidence her boyfriend cheated on her but he wormed his way ...

A.   3 July 2013: Neither her Father was and that's why I think she has abadonment issues. ... (read in full...)

Could it be that my friend has abandonment issues from the past? What can I do, considering she may take her cheater back, again?

Q.   I'm concerned for a friend she is totally paranoid her boyfriend will cheat on her and after losing her father to alcoholism related disease I think she has issues. Two years ago there was evidence her boyfriend cheated on her but he wormed his way ...

A.   2 July 2013: The woman did have letters, calls on her phone and showed proof he had another facebook account. I Believe the other woman was sick of his lies?... (read in full...)

I feel like he sometimes uses his condition as a scapegoat to allow him to do nothing all day.

Q.   Hi...I have been having a problem lately with my boyfriend who has been very sick for several months now with symptoms of Crohn's disease. We have been together 2 1/2 years and live together. We have always gotten along well, even now although I ...

A.   2 July 2013: It's obvious to see that you have now taken the role as nurse and housemaid. I think the fact that you are going through a tough time is more than normal you are stressed and feeling unappreciated. He is very lucky to have you in his life at this ... (read in full...)

Boyfriend took pictures of women on his cell phone. What should I do?

Q.   I needed my boyfriends cell phone to make a call. On his cell was a picture of a woman in a bikini. I remembered her because we went to a local beach the other day and she was sleeping on a lounge chair next to my boyfriend. I was on a lounge ...

A.   30 June 2013: He's immature and not behaving in respect to you or the other ladies on the beach. A friend of mine left her husband because he could never stop looking at other women and would strain his head sometimes to look at them in front of her! Tell him ... (read in full...)

I thought the dating was going well but he said he didn't want to commit

Q.   Hi everyone, just hoping for a bit of advice on this one. Was dating a guy a few months back, who I got on really well with. He was quite hard to read at first, I wasn't sure whether he liked me as he would often look kind of awkward in my company, ...

A.   30 June 2013: I think this guy is insecure and not sure with himself. If the alarm bells are going off now pull out honey. Obviously you aren't happy with his weirdness and I don't think that's going to change as the relationship progresses. Tell him you thin... (read in full...)

How can I be the love of her life one day, then absolutely nothing the next day?

Q.   I've posted on here a couple of times recently. I had some great feedback. Basically, it was about my ex. She's been so on again-off again with me. One minute I'm the love of her life and she wants to live with me, marry me and have a family with ...

A.   30 June 2013: I think this lady is really emotionally insecure. If you want to stay with her then prepare for this daily and can you imagine the day you get married???? You've asked how to get closure so obviously you've had enough of emotional blackmail as that... (read in full...)

How to bounce back and move on after lots of disappointment?

Q.   In late October/early November 2012, I ended things with my boyfriend of nearly 4 years. To be honest it was an up and down 4 years where he cheated on me and I worked to forgive him only after I did and fell in love with him again he still ...

A.   30 June 2013: I do know exactly how you feel I am the same age and have gone through the same heartaches and still am. I guess I am trying to surround myself with my really good friends and joining a dance class with one of them to occupy my time so I don't sit ... (read in full...)

Do you think we could ever be friends?

Q.   I left my boyfriend on Monday. It wasn't a good relationship and I couldn't handle his temper anymore, but I did love the times with him when he wasn't mad. He has a great sense of humor and I'd like to still be on pleasant terms, be able to catch ...

A.   30 June 2013: As you finished the relationship you have to see that he needs time to heal. Whenever you call (even if it is still to be friends) he's going to hope that there is a chance you'll get back together. Of course you go on well at the start he was tryi... (read in full...)

I cant trust anything he says and am running on fumes!

Q.   This is a long story, but please help me. My guy and I have been together for a year, we’ve known each other and have had an on and off relationship for the past 5 years. After a year of separation, we got back together and it’s been hell f...

A.   30 June 2013: Honey, the writing is on the wall read it! As much as you need a person in your life to love you and care about you is he it? You already said you are an emotional crutch and that's what you are. Please for your own sanity stop answering the phone ... (read in full...)

I'm 18, single and unemployed but I want a baby

Q.   I have posted a question on here before and received good advice, therefore I wanted to ask for opinions on something that has been puzzling me for some time. I am 18 and my boyfriend is 20, despite my young age, I am desperate for a child. My ...

A.   27 October 2011: I agree that you are trying to fill an empty spot in your life. You are only 18 and there is so much out there in life to love and enjoy and experience before you take on the challenge of motherhood. Your partner has expressed he isn't ready for a ... (read in full...)

I have family issues, no close friends and have never had a boyfriend. What's wrong with me?

Q.   I feel like a looser. I have complex ongoing family issues. Everyone is too preoccupied dealing with their own problems - even I put effort into helping out my mum and sister etcetc to the point where it's adversely affecting my life. I feel lik...

A.   27 August 2011: You are not a loser and nota alone. You have many good qualities that you listed, you are caring and generous. However I do feel that your Mum and sister are emotionally abusing you and you need to learn to say "No" to them as they are really taki... (read in full...)

My new boyfriend seems to have stopped being attentive

Q.   I met this guy at a 21st a month ago, I really liked him from the moment I saw him and when we hooked up I knew that I had to see him the next day. I don't get this feeling with everyone so I was delighted to find someone that I actually really ...

A.   27 August 2011: Maybe he feels the relationship is going to quickly to soon and he wants a little space. Guys aren't like us who respond to every text as soon as we get one. If I was you I'd not contact him for a few days and see if he quickly starts to ring you... (read in full...)

I cant get myself to break up with my nightmare of a BF!

Q.   What should I do with my life? I feel I have a boyfriend who doesn't deserve me. He has cheated on me with many women but I still gave him a chance, but he continues to treat me very badly and I just cannot pucker up the courage to break up. What...

A.   27 August 2011: You said it yourself he doesn't deserve you. I'm in the same situation and I'm realising that if he really loved me he wouldn't cheat on me and treat me badly. Everytime I take him back I'm basically saying I forgive you and I allow you to do it ... (read in full...)

My old friend from school turns our conversations sexual. What does he want from me?

Q.   I'll really try to make this short. I have an old friend from high school (we are now in college) who has recently given me his number via facebook so we can talk and catch up. Lately we've been texting and the very first day we talked a lot about ...

A.   27 August 2011: I think he's not being very respective of you if he turns his conversation to sex. As you say you are a virgin it may seem like a conquest for him to take it. I seriously think this guy is a player and being in the military is an overboost of ... (read in full...)

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