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I'm 13 and ready for sex --how to tell my boyfriend!?

Tagged as: Dating, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 December 2008) 11 Answers - (Newest, 23 October 2010)
A female United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

hi im 13 and my question is how do i tell my boyfriend im ready for sex???

me and my boyfriend been together for along time and told me to tell him when im ready but i dont know how...can u help me oh yea i thought this over for the last 2months

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A reader, anonymous, writes (23 October 2010):

I am 14 years old and im pretty positive my mind is ready for sex but im not sure my body is...nothin would fit in my vagina.I cant even put a tampon in when all my other friends can.I am really curious to see how it feels.

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A female reader, one girl, thousands of questions. United Kingdom +, writes (10 October 2010):

one girl, thousands of questions. agony aunti know how you all feel! i want sex to be honest with myself. im 13 my boyfriend is 15 we never really talk about sex, we have had sexual activity but not sex. i dont really want to mention it... im afraid to.

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A female reader, scared154 Canada +, writes (1 March 2010):

okay if no one is going to give you the answer you want i will. I am also 13 and also ready for sex. But i wont have it yet but i will soon. Get him alone and explain how you though it over and you think your ready tell him things you want to do and things you still dont. Because there are a lot of different types and ways to have sex. But on the first time it can hurt. The chances aren't very good but it could. I am in a very good relationship with a guy i have been with sence i was 9 1/2 so no one can say it is puppy love with us. I know how you feel and sence no one would give you a GOOD answer i did. Hope you have fun and that you guys actually LOVE each other. bye

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 December 2008):

i lost my virginity at 14 in a relationship, its not that i regret it but when in new relationships when that topic comes up about how old i was its clear that men look down on me being so young and i was older then you.

i know you probably think you'll be with your boyfriend forever but odds are you wont and trust me losing it young is not something most people admire.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 December 2008):

you're not ready in the slightest! 1. your too young and 2. if you were ready telling your boyfriend wouldnt be something you'd be anxious enough to post about.

wait a while! if your together a long time no harm in waiting longer! your 13 ... i know you want to be grown up but you're not, dont rush into it you can only lose your virginity once so enjoy having it while you do.

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A male reader, a_decent_1 India +, writes (28 December 2008):

a_decent_1 agony auntKudos luvi_duvi and hats off to Gabi.. You've set great examples in front of there youngsters and i am happy you realize your mistake Gabi..

Here is am example for you girl.. WAIT..

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A female reader, egrl202 United States +, writes (28 December 2008):

Hi im just a bit older than you, most of the people that I know have said that they are ready when they were your age, they feel like HeIS THE ONE, in reality you are soo much more than that, you are above that, im not saying sex is bad but I am saying,that when we are young we phsyically feel the need for sex and try to make ourselves believe that we are mentally ready but we are not. Any way I have digressed, all of my girlfriends after doing IT felt used, like they made a huge mistake, and not after long, they have broken off their relationships. When its the the right time and person you would never have to think about it for two months, it just happens, and when its over its like Wow that was totally worth the wait. Please take my advice, I wouldnt right this much if I didnt care.,You cant put a condem on Your dignity.

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A female reader, gabi93 Guatemala +, writes (28 December 2008):

gabi93 agony auntsweetie, im 15 and yea im not a virgin anymore. i dont regret losing it to the person i lost it to. but i really do regret losing it this young. ill be truthful i was not ready when i lost it. i just wanted to see how it was like. but we got faced with the biggest scare. something i would never want to face again. so yea i really do wish i would of waited at least 2 years. when i was ready to face what was going to happen if i did. and you never know, and im not saying your boyfriend might really do this so please do not get offended, but he can go around telling people what he did and with who, then you can become the joke of the school, or maybe he would leave you cuz he got what he wanted, again im not saying his gonna do this but you never know. so if i were you, and what i should of done is wait for the right time that you are sure you are ready and the guy you really want to lose it to. dont rush, you got your whole life ahead of you to have sex.

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A female reader, luvy duvy United States +, writes (28 December 2008):

luvy duvy agony auntHey...I am 13 as well. You can call me all sorts of names, but I don't think you should do it.

A baby can be born on the first try, condoms break, and you have to have complete and total trust in him. You have to know that if things do not go as planned that he will be there.

Girl, be sure, and You know what...just don't do it. If it's love that is moving you to do this...You should stop lying on love because love is not a feeling it's an ability.

DON'T DO IT...NOT YET! I know you probably heard this all before, but it's because it's true...if he has any true feelings for you he will wait, and that is what he is doing by letting you decide when. BUT I SAY...NOT NOW!!

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A male reader, a_decent_1 India +, writes (28 December 2008):

a_decent_1 agony auntYOU ARE NOT READY FOR SEX.. You're JUST 13 and atleast 3 to 4 years short of being ready.. Here is a warning..

You would regret having sex at this age.. And it would pain like hell.. So, i would advice you to wait till your body is ready..


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A female reader, lostone United States +, writes (28 December 2008):

What's your big rush to lose your virginity? Especially to a guy whose probably not going to stick around as long as you'd like him to. Once you lose it, you never get it back.

You probably really like him and your hormones are going all funky. Two months may seem like a long time but it is not. I'd advise you just try to get it out your mind for now, you should be having fun in other ways at your age.

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