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*ne girl, thousands of questions. agony aunt

*ne girl, thousands of questions.

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*ne girl, thousands of questions.'s Ratings

Does fighting make a relationship better?

Q.   i have been with my 16 year old boyfriend for almost 7 months now, we dont fight at all some people say thats its better to fight sometimes it makes the realationship stronger? would anyone agree? we do have little moods with each other but not big ...

A.   31 December 2010: thanks guys! the comments actually helped a lot.. ... (read in full...)

Is this feeling normal? Do any other girls get this?

Q.   im not really worried about what im going to share but i just want some answers lol :) im only 13 and im going to be honest about it, so already any readers will be thinking shes just a kid it dosent matter but i feel im mature enough for a ...

A.   13 October 2010: thaank youu :)... (read in full...)

I hate my job, and struggling with love! Help!

Q.   i cant stop thinking about these things! this is not completely realated to realationships. im 13, still classed as a kid to some people. i have been with my boyfriend for 4 months and we are going along fine and all the rest. i have a job as a ...

A.   12 October 2010: hey thanks for that :) i know you are right and that means alot to me, but i think ill probablly have to work tomorow as its too short notice to say i wont be coming in.... (read in full...)

Just the ordinary girl with the question... do you think this is love?

Q.   im stuck here and i need help even thought i think ive got the answer on my own! i just want to know what others think. i postded an article like this only a few hours ago as i have only registered for a day or two, then i noticed i had stated ...

A.   12 October 2010: i suppose both these answers are true, it might not be love but im making myself belive it is, i talked to him about it and it ended up in an arguement and now he thinks i dont really love him.... (read in full...)

I'm 15, he's 13... help!

Q.   Dear Cupid, I'm 15 and I like this boy, he is in two years below me in school so he's 13, i'm starting to like him and we flirt a lot and we are married on facebook (which is not real.) We talk a lot online and talk a bit in school, he does sho...

A.   12 October 2010: hi :) i think this is fine. i dont understand how the boy needs to be older although it always seems to be that way, but anyways if you and this guy are going to build a strong realationship then its fine. me and my partner have the exact same ages ... (read in full...)

Should I ask my boyfriend about his family?

Q.   im 13, me and my boyfriend have been going out for 4 months. he is at my house all the time ive never been in his. but i dont care im afraid to meet his parents to be h=honest but he is quite close with mines. we never really talk much about his ...

A.   12 October 2010: thanks ... (read in full...)

Should I ask my boyfriend about his family?

Q.   im 13, me and my boyfriend have been going out for 4 months. he is at my house all the time ive never been in his. but i dont care im afraid to meet his parents to be h=honest but he is quite close with mines. we never really talk much about his ...

A.   11 October 2010: hey thanks guys! this means alot to me.. he is 15, im not rushing into anything illegal ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend hate my best friend. Is it right that I pick him over her?

Q.   My boyfriend and his friends hate my bestfriend! she annoys me quite alot too. but she is still my friend and there is no way im going to just ignore her presence. i call her names and slag her off to my boyfriend and his friends but im still ...

A.   11 October 2010: i dont know if any of these answers have helped me, thay have more or less offenced me but any ways thanks...... (read in full...)

Should I ask my boyfriend about his family?

Q.   im 13, me and my boyfriend have been going out for 4 months. he is at my house all the time ive never been in his. but i dont care im afraid to meet his parents to be h=honest but he is quite close with mines. we never really talk much about his ...

A.   11 October 2010: thanks :) i think ill just be forward with him, i hope hes not embaressed to let me meet them since im younger than him.... (read in full...)

I am 13 so, why do I want sex?

Q.   yah i'm 13 i know sex isn't worth it in the end but i still want it for some reason any help...

A.   10 October 2010: i understand how you feel, im going through the exact same time as you.. i think about sex all the time. ive got used to it and that i know my boyfriend wouldnt do it as im 13 but i wouldnt myself, its wrong.... (read in full...)

I'm 13 and ready for sex --how to tell my boyfriend!?

Q.   hi im 13 and my question is how do i tell my boyfriend im ready for sex??? me and my boyfriend been together for along time and told me to tell him when im ready but i dont know how...can u help me oh yea i thought this over for the last 2mo...

A.   10 October 2010: i know how you all feel! i want sex to be honest with myself. im 13 my boyfriend is 15 we never really talk about sex, we have had sexual activity but not sex. i dont really want to mention it... im afraid to.... (read in full...)

Is it normal for 13 years old to want to have sex?

Q.   I'm 13 years-old and my boyfriend is 13 too this weekend my boyfriend want's me to give him a hand job and a blow job , is it normoal for kid;s our age wannaing to do that ??? Thanks i hope some one can help me with my Question xx ...

A.   10 October 2010: i agree with most of these answers here, play around but dont do anything you would regret. i am 13 too and my boyfriend is 15 and know how it feels. its normal. go for it girl :)... (read in full...)

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