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I swallowed, can I get pregnant?

Tagged as: Pregnancy, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 September 2006) 10 Answers - (Newest, 10 December 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

hi rite i have been with my boyfriend ages n recently i sucked him off but i swallowed it can i get pregnant ?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 December 2006):

for god sake! Bloody find out about how your body works!

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A male reader, gerryaston +, writes (6 October 2006):

No you Can't so swallow away all you want and enjoy as its non fattening taken this way

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A female reader, Toria +, writes (27 September 2006):

Toria agony auntIn one simple answer NO!! you can't.

Surely if you are unsure about things like this kind of thing you shouldn't be doing it in the first place?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 September 2006):

Please tell me you're at least in high school... I can and unfortunately, imagine a 9 year old asking something like this... [ponders] Scarily, I can also imagine a 35 year old asking this... [shudders]

Andrew should put up the FAQ soon! 8]

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 September 2006):

We've had this question asked a few times before. I will tell you..No, you can't get pregnant swallowing sperm, dear. Take the advice of all the other Aunts and get educated. Donnah is right on when she says, if you don't know the answer to a question like this, it probably does mean you are waaaay too young to be having sex. Be careful out there and take care

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A male reader, David Lewis United Kingdom +, writes (26 September 2006):

David Lewis agony auntThis reminds me of a joke I once heard.

A young girl is in sex education and asks her teacher, "Miss, Do babies come from where boys put their willies?". "Yes", says the teacher. The young girl looks absolutely terrified. "When my baby comes, will it knock my teeth out?".

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A female reader, Donnah +, writes (26 September 2006):

Donnah agony auntI don't know your age but if you don't know the answer to that probably shouldn't be doing anything!

Sex Education is taught in some places beginning at 6th grade. Read a book at your local library or buy one.

Knowledge is power! Prevention is key!

Prevent what? Unwanted pregnancy, STDs and who knows what else!

BTW, I commend you for looking for answers here! JUST FOR LOOKING FOR ANSWERS.

Good Luck to you! Hope this helps!



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A female reader, ButterflyonFire +, writes (26 September 2006):

ButterflyonFire agony auntNo hun, swallowing cum won't get you pregnant. It just gets digested in your stomach like anything else you eat.


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A female reader, xxxsoulsistaxxx United Kingdom +, writes (26 September 2006):

xxxsoulsistaxxx agony auntNo you cannot. The sperm goes down your throat when you swallow, to your stomach and this doesn't lead to your ovaries or womb, so the sperm cannot fertilise an egg.

Maybe you should find out a bit more about the things you're doing before you do them, or you could end up in trouble.

Good luck.

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A male reader, David Lewis United Kingdom +, writes (26 September 2006):

David Lewis agony auntNo you can't

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