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My jealous girlfriend is making my life miserable

Q.   Hi everyone. Hope you can give me some advice. My girlfriend of one year is very jealous and insecure. She is pressuring me to ask me to marry her lately. She is a fun girl to be with and I like her a lot. But I am not ready for marriage. My ...

A.   6 January 2013: Friends are forever and relationships can be temporary.... don't lose the ones you hold dearly because your girlfriend can't control a petty emotion.... she should honestly trust you more. I don't like the fact that she's making you choose betwe... (read in full...)

Am I unreasonable that I don't want my son to lie in bed all day?

Q.   At 2pm today I told my husband that he should go and tell my son that it was time to get up out of bed and he said "To Do What?" Am I unreasonable not to want him to lie in be all day? ...

A.   9 July 2012: This question is rather vague because you're not providing too many details. When I was younger my parents would always ask me to get out of bed or to get out of "my cave" on my days off and i found this extremely irritating since i work 40 plus ... (read in full...)

I Broke Up With My Boyfriend, And Now I'm Jealous Over A New Girl He's Seeing.

Q.   So I broke up with my boyfriend about 6 weeks ago. It wasn't in anyway a bad break up- our relationship kinda fizzled out and we decided it was time for us to go our separate ways. Recently(like the past few days) I've been thinking about him alot...

A.   4 July 2012: Ahh, I know exactly how this is because i've done the same thing with an ex before. I think its more of an ego issue than you guys breaking up. Sometimes we want to see the other person grieve a loss as it boosts our egos and makes us feel more ... (read in full...)

I'm lost with no direction after a long-term relationship.

Q.   Me and my ex broke up about 8 months ago and in that time I was going through a roller coaster of emotions because before we broke up we took a break and she left with some other guy, I couldnt handle the fact that she did that, so we officially ...

A.   20 May 2012: Hey, Recovering from a long term relationship can be very difficult. Its important to take the necessary steps to get over the person you were once with. Unfortunately its best to go cold turkey and cut them out of your life complete... (read in full...)

I'm lost with no direction after a long-term relationship.

Q.   Me and my ex broke up about 8 months ago and in that time I was going through a roller coaster of emotions because before we broke up we took a break and she left with some other guy, I couldnt handle the fact that she did that, so we officially ...

A.   20 May 2012: Hey, Recovering from a long term relationship can be very difficult. Its important to take the necessary steps to get over the person you were once with. Unfortunately its best to go cold turkey and cut them out of your life complete... (read in full...)

14 and want a baby...

Q.   Im 14 and i really want a baby. i know this sounds stupid at my age but its all i think about. i havent had a good education at school so far but i think if i have a baby it will be great. just somebody to love to be there for to give it a cuddle ...

A.   30 November 2009: No... you really don't want a baby at this age. You realize that having a baby this early is throwing your entire life away? You're going to miss out on all the awesome times you'll have in high school and college because you can kiss those things ... (read in full...)

Super cautious NOT to get pregnant...

Q.   My bf and I just had sex for the second time and he made sure the condom was on, every 5 minutes, and when he was about to ejaculate we took it off then i did oral sex on him, when we were done i checked if the condomwas leaking or anything and ...

A.   30 November 2009: Hey you know what? That's a good thing that you're doing. I'm the same way and you have to think that the consequences of being careless with such a simple thing as sexual protection can result in a long term problem... aka a baby. Getting pregnant ... (read in full...)

Text messaging problem

Q.   Recently I discovered that my gf of 9 months had texted one of my really good friends at a party (she had been drinking) and the day after without telling me. I found a peace of paper that she had written this on (i think it was part of her journal) ...

A.   30 November 2009: Hmm, do you know for a fact that she thought he was good looking? Did she actually say it or are you just assuming? If the texting has stopped then don't freak out just yet. There are explanations for everything even though the situation may seem ... (read in full...)

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