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*othic Wolf agony aunt

*othic Wolf

United States  (Female   XML/RSS

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*othic Wolf's profile:

I am a very sweet person,but I don't beat around the bush I say whats on my mind...I am currently dating, I try my best to give good advice and if you don't like it I am sorry

After a 15 month relationship, should I , I'm 18, marry my boyfriend, or wait?

Q.   i am 18 years old and my question is should i marry my boyfriend, he is also 18 and we have been dating for a year and three months. i know i am young , but i want to know if the aunts from dear cupid think i should wait alittle longer...

A.   6 December 2008: my boyfriend lives in purto rico so it is a long distance relationship and the only time we see each other is on my breaks. he will move to where i live when he finishes college.... (read in full...)

Lump in vagina, is this normal?

Q.   Sorry this is so explicit :-/ On the upper side of my vagina (that is, the side where my urethra is) I have a huge, long lump that begins about 1" below where my urethra hole is and ends where my cervix begins. I have always had this lump, but I...

A.   2 December 2008: you need to go see and GYN if you have not already done so... (read in full...)

Is this amount of sex bad?

Q.   Hi there. Me and my bf really really enjoy sex, and when he's back from uni we do it every opportunity we get. He satisfies me every time but I get worried that this amount of sex is bad. I think about sex a lot during the day and i'm always q...

A.   1 December 2008: Yes it is normal, when my boyfriend is here we go through a pack of condoms. You're 18 and very hormonal... so have fun but always use protection.... (read in full...)

I met a guy on Myspace - can long distance relationships like this ever work?

Q.   I met the cutest guy on MySpace by total accident! We have started talking and he's so cool and absoultly adorable!!! The problem is I live in the United states and he livesi in Estonia... (a country close to Russia for those of you that don't kn...

A.   3 July 2008: well like you my boyfriend lives in another country and we met online, we have been talking for almost a year....if you love him and want to make it work it will work but you have to want it.....I hope I helped at least alittle bit ... (read in full...)

My stepdad is in jail for drugs and I don't want to lose the bond I have with him!

Q.   please help. my ex step dad and I are really close and he is like my friend, and now he had taken drugs and is now in jail. I am exterenly hurt, confused and angery. I don't know what I am going to do. please give me some advice on how to get ...

A.   27 April 2008: thanx... (read in full...)

My stepdad is in jail for drugs and I don't want to lose the bond I have with him!

Q.   please help. my ex step dad and I are really close and he is like my friend, and now he had taken drugs and is now in jail. I am exterenly hurt, confused and angery. I don't know what I am going to do. please give me some advice on how to get ...

A.   26 April 2008: thanx for your advice... (read in full...)

He is two years younger than me..but mature for his age, could it work out?

Q.   I have a little problem... My cuzins and I gather together 3 times a week and this guy teaches us dance... Since the first day I realized that he keeps looking at me and flirting with me. Wen he teaches us the dance he keeps coming by me and holding ...

A.   18 April 2008: If you really like each other age should not matter...if you like him and he likes you go for is about being with someone who cares about you and wants to be with you so don't worry Have fun... (read in full...)

SITE NEWS: New feature, "watched questions" list

Q.   I've added a new feature that lets you add questions to your "watched questions" page. It's just an easy way to make a list of questions that interest you and that you want to keep track of. It's easy to remove items from the list or clear it. ...

A.   18 April 2008: Good job is there a way to get a spellcheck it is hard something to spell....if you don't know how to spell it XXxxXX G. Wolf... (read in full...)

How can I get hubby to pay a little attention to me and not spend as much time on the computer?

Q.   When my husband gets home from work he goes right to his computer and I would like him to spend a little time with me but he says I am being selfish. Am I being Selfish?...

A.   18 April 2008: No you are not selfish every women wants to spend time with her hubby...its like with the others if you can talk about or join in the go ahead and if not try a romantic dinner for just the two of you....try to get him to eat dinner with you, it ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend always wants to have sex, what should I do?

Q.   What should i do?? My boyfriend always wants 2 have sex... And i dont wat should i do??...

A.   17 April 2008: well if you don't want to have sex all the time just talk to him....if he really loves you he will understand....and he would want you to be happy... I hope my advice helps alittle bit and good luck XXxxXX ... (read in full...)

I'm having trouble masturbating! What is this white stuff?

Q.   hi, im 15 years old and im having trouble masterbating. when its time for me to cum i only get a white liquid. anyone got any advice???...

A.   17 April 2008: ummm not to be rude john101 but in fifth grade the showed "the movie" were u gone that day..."the movie" covers sex ed and what ur body does... (read in full...)

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