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*Oy CrAzY;}

United States  (Female   XML/RSS

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Hey y'all I'm kylii ha I'm 16 and I love life want to know more well you know what to do:) bye!!!!

123Next > [3 pages, 65 answers]

We tried having sex, couldn't do it and now he's being really weird and blunt with me

Q.   I am 16 and have really liked a guy for 7 months now and I got the feeling he liked me too (we're both quite shy so nothings happened) but last night he invited me round his for the first time and we were having a really nice time and got on really ...

A.   28 May 2012: Well this is awkward. People are going to tell you to be ashamed and that your too you tell them to shut up. This is going to sound way bad. But if you have never like masterbated before and have never gotten yourself used it having some kind if t... (read in full...)

Why does he get all weird when we talk in person?

Q.   Hey y'all umm well I am 16 and I'm having problems with this boy right now. Typical blah blah. But I really like this kid and well he texts me and I asked him what his friends would think if he was talking to me. ' cause I know what my friends would ...

A.   11 April 2012: Thank you:)... (read in full...)

How do I become a jerk to attract girls?

Q.   what does it take to get a gf? im honest, nice, smart and above average looking. i am 16 but it seems that guys who are jerks usually attract girls attention. How do i do that?...

A.   10 April 2012: Okay take it from me. Girls like confident strong guys. Don't be overly jerky and be a total asswhole. But don't be a pussy either. Don't back down. Don't be pushy but be demanding. Girls like someone who is going to be strong and firm with them ... (read in full...)

Should I walk away if he got another girl pregnant?

Q.   hello im just wondering what i should boyfriend of 5years got another girl pregnant an it hurts me soo much cause i was there an he didnt want me to have mine.but allowing this girl to have her baby.he say he love me an want to work it out wit ...

A.   26 December 2009: Walk away. He's not worth your time. When a man has a kid he can't walk away from it. That's what my dad told me happened with him. He didn't cheat but he knocked my mom up when she was a sophmore or juniour I'm not sure but anyways once he saw me ... (read in full...)

Everything in life seems against me right now

Q.   Look I don't know why but I always find myself depressed. I lost all my friends. My family is a broken one in which I have no one to relate to. My school work is terrible at this rate i don't see myself succeeding much in life. I'm also gay it's all ...

A.   26 December 2009: Don't dwell on negatives but don't avoid them either. Always remember your positive things that u have. But try to fix your negetive things in your life!! Don't dwell just fix that's my advice don't know if it will help u but there you have it:):)... (read in full...)

Is my dad showing sexual interest in me?

Q.   Right, well....I've asked a few questions on dear cupid already...and I'm beginning to realise that I haven't mentioned everything that I need to...infact, there is a big thing that I haven't mentioned in my other questions which I need to ask help ...

A.   24 December 2009: Once again I agree with soon567 you need to tell on him!! Cause if u don't it will bring other families down if he rapes other kids!! No he hasn't raped u now but it will be coming!! If he isn't leaving for a few more days than that will give him ... (read in full...)

We've been talking for a while and stuff and we're going to have sex. Only I'm scared.

Q.   Okay I met this really great guy we've been talking for a while now and stuff and he wants to have sex. I do too but I'm really scared of how much it is going to hurt. So could u all help me understand how much it is going to hurt it would be great. ...

A.   23 December 2009: Thanx guys u were a really big help:) I put him to the test and told him I wasn't going to do it and he dumped me and told me to fuck off:(:(:( thanx for your help. If u wouldn't have given me this advice I wouldn't have put him to the test and I'd ... (read in full...)

Why was I rejected by her?

Q.   okk...i saw this girl in my class, shes fine and different from other girls. she has lots of friends and very quiet in school but not outside the school..shes fine and very pretty and i am kinda ripped (20 inches shoulder span) and am not that good ...

A.   8 December 2009: Maybe she isn't allowed to have a bf. ... (read in full...)

I can't find girls my age outside of school. Should I go for older woman?

Q.   I go to a conservative christian school, I am an Atheist however and I want to know where I can find girls my age 17, outside of school. I go to the city every day and hang out in book shops and coffee shops but, I can never see a girl my age there, ...

A.   23 July 2009: Kay honey the reason your not finding any girls is cause your lookin in the wrong places go to the mall or something!! Try that and if you still have no girls go for older women!! ... (read in full...)

My stepfather to be wants me to call him dad, he is abusive and I don't like him, what can I do?

Q.   Hey everyone I need a little help as some of you know my dad past away not to long ago. And my Mom seems to be over it already cause she's getting married and I just got out of the hospital a little while ago cause of my accident with a dirtbike. So ...

A.   11 July 2009: Thanks guys.......I know that your all right but I'm alot like my father I can't just sit back while this ass tears every good thing in my life apart!! If I'm there than I can piss him off and he'll focus on me and not my mom!! I know it sounds ... (read in full...)

What's worse ? being a slut or being 40 years old virgin ?

Q.   What is better either having sex with many people or keep virginity until you're way too old ? What do you think ?...

A.   10 July 2009: Haha neither one sounds good but I really don't want to keep my verginity for that long but I don't want to be a skank why do you ask such a questions? ... (read in full...)

How can I tell if she even cares about me?

Q.   hovering around the same subject as my last two posts: the girl who i think i love, who is also my bestfriends ex. i still am holding off on the whole telling her how i feel idea, but today i might have realized something.. ok, so last week, i lef...

A.   16 April 2009: Okay this time I totaly disagree with u satindesire! Okay love some girls don't like to be talked to when they get hurt. You should just sit there with her and don't say anything just sit there and let her cry for him....... but let her do it in yo... (read in full...)

How can I tell if she even cares about me?

Q.   hovering around the same subject as my last two posts: the girl who i think i love, who is also my bestfriends ex. i still am holding off on the whole telling her how i feel idea, but today i might have realized something.. ok, so last week, i lef...

A.   16 April 2009: Well for once I actually Agee with satindesire;) just ask her dude... (read in full...)

Why do we cry when someone dies?

Q.   Hey y'all! Ummm I just need to ask this but why do we cry when someone dies? Or leaves us? Or anything like that why do you think we cry other than when we get hurt? Cause I can't help but cry everytime I see my fathers pictures and think of his ...

A.   16 April 2009: But I love to cry I feel kind of refreshed afterwards......but not when I can't stop crying! I can't stop of when I see his picture! And sometimes I don't even realize I'm crying! ... (read in full...)

Am I worrying too much?

Q.   HELP!!! Ma friend hasnt been online for over a week i love her to pieces, she knows i love her, but i'm worried sick over her, she has been online once, only once, this week :( from the time i came back from holiday until now (sunday i came back and ...

A.   15 April 2009: Dude I think you should take deep breaths......yes love ur worrying toooo much! Just leave her alone for a while! Dude she might just be buisy or something so just chill!!... (read in full...)

My fiance likes to wear my daughter's underwear!

Q.   I've been with my boyfriend/fiance for a year now and we live together along with my 15 yr old daughter and his 15 yr old son.. about 4 months into our relationship I did a load of laundry for him and found a pair of womens underware in his ...

A.   15 April 2009: Wow.......way CREEPY!! I'd leave him!... (read in full...)

Why do her moods change so much?

Q.   hi theres a girl that i like, and she really changes her moods with me and i don't understand it like. sometimes she'll be all lush and sweet to me then the next thing it's like she don't give a shit i don't know where i stand like is thi...

A.   14 April 2009: Yes this is a normal thing and it's just raging hormones! Every girl does this well maybe not EVERY girl but most of us;) just ask her out show confidence! Use ur back bone boy!;) haha goodnluck... (read in full...)

Turning 30 and no first kiss, no boyfriend. So sad ...

Q.   I am scared of turning 30 and never having no boyfriend ever and never even got my first kiss Am I a joke?...

A.   14 April 2009: No of course not love;) just get out there be wild! Have fun! party ur ass off! Meet guys! Goodl luck! ... (read in full...)

Curious: How does porn turn people on?

Q.   Hey y'all what's up! How's it going? Okay I need to know how in the hell does porn turn ppl on? It's just naked ppl hooking up! Just go to your spouse or the one you love! And in my opinion Its gross!! But I just need to know how does porn turn u ...

A.   14 April 2009: Hey guys thanx AWHOLELOT!! You guys have been really good helps! And I don't think ill watch porn or have sex ever! Well MAYBE after married but now it just sounds TOTALLY GROSS!! Bye! ... (read in full...)

Three girls, all like this one boy. How do I ask him out?

Q.   i like the same guy as me and my 2 friends,but they don't know it. i want to ask the boy out but i don't want to hurt my friends feelings,they don't know i like him and i don't want them finding out the hard way. But i really believe i should ...

A.   13 April 2009: You know what don't savor ur friends feelings cause I'd bet she's gonna ask the guy out and besides if u got to him first if she was a good friend she would respect that u were more confident to go after him first! Goodluck love;)... (read in full...)

Can 2 people truly be happy with eachother forever?

Q.   this is a simple question and there is prbly no right answer. can two people truly be happy with each other forever?...

A.   10 April 2009: No I don't think so cause lifes a bitch and these days you can't trust anyone! And maybe it was posible way back when but I don't think that it's posible! But who know anything can happen! If we commit to that person! Then yes maybe it could be ... (read in full...)

Any ideas for something special for my girlfriend this Easter?

Q.   Hi, I'm 15 and I'm in love with my girlfriend and i know I'm so young but i know i love her cause every time i seen her my heart starts beating really fast and i just know. anyway we've been going out for 3 years cents yesterday and i just got back...

A.   10 April 2009: Hey love, I think that you should cook for her. It's much more romantic than taking her to a restraunt. Good luck;)... (read in full...)

Is it alright to not like anyone?

Q.   Hey y'all waz up? I jus need to know is it alright to not like anyone? And LOVE not been with anyone? Cause my parents and a lot of other people say that there is something REALLY wrong with me...ex.... So I just need to know is it weird or ...

A.   10 April 2009: Yes my parents think that something is wrong that I don't have a crush on someone. ... (read in full...)

Is it alright to not like anyone?

Q.   Hey y'all waz up? I jus need to know is it alright to not like anyone? And LOVE not been with anyone? Cause my parents and a lot of other people say that there is something REALLY wrong with me...ex.... So I just need to know is it weird or ...

A.   10 April 2009: Okay I'm asking if there is a problem not liking anyone as in a boy/ girl at the moment and emily I didn't pick the name my friend typedit in b4 I could see it;). And thanx anonymous!!... (read in full...)

I developed fetishes on my stepmom. Is this weird?

Q.   ok i am 18 and i have a very difficult problem. my dad married this lady who is 36 about 3 years ago and now she's my step-mom. and now i have been having fetishes about having sex with her. is this weird or not? what you think about me actu...

A.   10 April 2009: Well thinking about it is one thing acting it out is a whole other! Now most people would think it's weird and stuff but it's not and you can dream and think about having sex with her ALL you want but u probly don't want to act appon this;) good ... (read in full...)

Do most guys answer the door 1/2 naked?

Q.   Hello everyone! :) I have a very quick question to ask y'all: Is it normal for guys to answer the door topless? I recently had an experience where a guy I had only met once before opened the door to me with no top on. I was a little taken aback...

A.   7 April 2009: Hay y'all! it's pretty normal when a guy answers the door topless! And no aunt_ranch ur not the only one who loves when a guy answers the door topless I LOVE it!:) haha... (read in full...)

Should I let him back into my life?

Q.   Ummm....hey all cupiders! Instead of givin u the whole boring run down here's how it is....okay I had a friend some of u know him cause of what I've told u....but first of all he was my best friend, then I fell in love with him yadda yadda, then he ...

A.   7 April 2009: Hay!! Thanx so much guys!!;) u've been a really big help bye!!... (read in full...)

Why can't boys ever be nice?

Q.   Why can't boys ever be nice? Well some are but most of the guys in our world our JERKS! So here's the story........there is this boy in my fade that I really like and somehow he had found out! I'm guessing one of my friends asked him out for me behi...

A.   7 April 2009: Thanx you guys;) u've been great helps;)... (read in full...)

I need your opinions here...Just friends???

Q.   If you have been in a relationship with a girl for quite along time and they say after a while that they only see you as a friend and don't have any desire to be intimate with you, what are the possible reasons for this? Is there any chance that if ...

A.   7 April 2009: Well sometimes girls (no offence really) we get bored and want to try new things.....but that's just one of the most that I've heard about...but dude honestly there is multiple reasons about my advice just ask her and see why from her ... (read in full...)

What's your dream girl/guy?

Q.   If you could have a dream girl/guy what would they be like??...

A.   3 April 2009: Well my perfect guy is well understanding, someone who won't be a cowerd and stand up for me, has a good smile, light or dark eyes either one works, I would want someone who could talk talk to me bout anything, mytserious, someone who WONT shower me ... (read in full...)

My ex is annoyed that I didn't try to stop her leaving!

Q.   Hi, I'm 15 and my girlfriend broke up with me. Yeah, I am heartbroken and she didn't tell me why she wanted to leave and I didn't ask because there wasn't really any point. Well I didn't try to stop her from leaving because if she wants to do this ...

A.   3 April 2009: Well u did the right thing! U didn't do anything cause u knew she would have been upset....cause u love her! So ya u totally did the right thing;)... (read in full...)

Why do good things always have to end?

Q.   Hi, well i was wondering and i don't think there is a right answer to this but how come a majority of good things end? Like everything will be going great and then all the sudden everything goes bad....

A.   3 April 2009: Well darlin everything end so we can learn.....even If it's hard and we love life the way it is it all has to end cause it's fate! ... (read in full...)

I'm scared she'll change her mind about the abortion.

Q.   ok I have a huge problem! My girlfriend is pregnant, we are both 16 and have both been responsible. I have no idea how it happened as we had thought about it before and she was on the pill and I wore a condom which didn't rip or anything. An ...

A.   2 April 2009: An abortion is a very hard decision to make for a girl! So if she wants to keep it don't make her get one!! I mean some girls don't have the heart to do it! Like me for instance I could never do that so just leave her alone to decide! And don't push ... (read in full...)

How do you do to get over someone ?

Q.   I just went through a horrible breaking up and I'm not over her yet Seriously i can't take her out of mind !!!! it's driving me crazy What do i do ?!?! I really need helps ...

A.   31 March 2009: Honestly man I'm sorry to say but u can never get truely get over someone u might forget about how much u like them but there always there in the back of ur mind:)... (read in full...)

Fantasies about my teacher in church!

Q.   I have fanices about my teacher and me doing things........ IN CHURCH!!! My teacher goes to my church and he bent over and this thought went thru my mind! Here it is (I wanna play piano and he plays it.) I was at his house and he was ...

A.   31 March 2009: I have fantacies about those kinds of things all the time it's perfectly normal;)... (read in full...)

Just answer the damned questions!!!!

Q.   Hey!! Well I've just have some pretty simple questions that I want to ask. 1. Why do all the good things in life die? Why are they taken away from us when we need them so badly?! 2. Why can't true love be real?! Or is it really and I'm j...

A.   31 March 2009: Okay first of all I didn't put the name on there the site thing did and second of all all of the questions that I've asked always have critical answers except for like 2 or 3 so u can just shove it up ur tail pipe!!!!... (read in full...)

Just answer the damned questions!!!!

Q.   Hey!! Well I've just have some pretty simple questions that I want to ask. 1. Why do all the good things in life die? Why are they taken away from us when we need them so badly?! 2. Why can't true love be real?! Or is it really and I'm j...

A.   30 March 2009: Okay I've got one more question for y'all if true love IS there then how come sooooo many people can't find it?... (read in full...)

I just found out that my dad died!

Q.   Hi everyone I need help right now!! I just found out that my my best friend died today my dad! And I was crying all through school and my mom wouldn't come get me so I was walking around all day with red puffy eyesand I tryed to wash my makup off ...

A.   30 March 2009: Ya I know there's someone who loves u and there in ur dreams or on the other side of the world so there isn't a way to be with them... (read in full...)

I think he's secretly getting in touch with his ex. Should I confront him?

Q.   Been with my b/f for 3 yrs. The woman he was with before me really messed him up emotionally. She moved to Oregon. We have a pretty good relationship now but it's been a rocky one and I don't think he's over her yet. He was in contact with her...

A.   30 March 2009: Yes definitly confront him:) just to make sure anyway:)0... (read in full...)

How can I convince my long distance gf that we should feel anchored down because we've never met?

Q.   First off, Both of the people mentioned in this are 14, just for a little clarification. I met this girl over the internet. We've know each other for about a year now. We live quite a distance from each other. Far enough at least ...

A.   30 March 2009: Well I'm not trying to be rude but I think that ur both chasing a fantasy like u said:(... (read in full...)

I just found out that my dad died!

Q.   Hi everyone I need help right now!! I just found out that my my best friend died today my dad! And I was crying all through school and my mom wouldn't come get me so I was walking around all day with red puffy eyesand I tryed to wash my makup off ...

A.   27 March 2009: Ha thanks but I think I need to get away from everything and all of the family ;) but thank you soooooo much you helped alot;)... (read in full...)

*Oy CrAzY;}'s friends

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answeringmachine agony auntansweringmachine
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hip_hoppin_bitch agony aunthip_hoppin_bitch
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ilovebowsandcherries agony auntilovebowsandcherries
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