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Why is it that guys are more open with me on the computer (myspace) than in person?

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Question - (10 October 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 10 October 2007)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Why is it that guys are more open with me on the computer (myspace) than in person?

They tell me they think I am pretty, cute or whatever but then in person it is like they don't know I exist.

I know this is a stupid question but I want to know...

I mean,I take it offensively and it hurts because it has always been like this, always and I am tired of it

I have had a boyfriend before but I just want to know why guys treat me this way?

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A female reader, DrPsych United Kingdom +, writes (10 October 2007):

DrPsych agony auntIt is my personal view that the internet is just not a good way of meeting prospective partners. Firstly, you have to accept that on websites like myspace there will be some normal people and some definitely odd people. They have trouble relating to people in 'real world' situations and therefore go to websites looking for social networking. They say you are cute or whatever because they are desperate to get your attention. Working out if someone is attractive or not is more than a photo on a website - it is about personality as much as looks.

There are also a lot of players on the internet as it is easy to fool potential victims that a person is not who they are while they play their serial dating game of deception. I am quite sure there are some nice people on these websites but it can be quite difficult to find them without knowledge of them in real life. Years ago there were many more men than women on these dating sites so it was easy for women to get artificially inflated attention from mankind this way. However, I am not sure what the user ratio is these days and I am sure there are more heart-break stories associated with internet dating than other ways of meeting people. Either way, just because you get no attention offline does not mean you are a terribly unattractive person confined to a lonely future. It just means you are spared the sleazy attention of unwanted admirers and sooner or later someone will notice you who is dead right for you - you will really treasure them. So hang up that keyboard if it is distressing you and feel confident about yourself.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 October 2007):

Its always easier for people of your age to speak indirectly. When you are not face to face they have more confidence and probably because other people dont know what they are saying.

Ever thought that when you see them and ignore them it hurts their feelings too. Perhaps you need to do the approaching.

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