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Why did he have to come back and hurt me all over again?

Tagged as: Breaking up<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 February 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 20 February 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

He accused me Of cheating when i wasn’t.. he didn’t contact me till 2months now and he calls me today and i told him 2 call me bk cos i was out.. he called me back and asked about my BF and said i don’t know. and he said hes not tryna get into my knickers he was just ring to see how i was doing and that hes got a girl and hes happy and that we can still be friends. I asked him why he didn’t contact me after we made up after the argument and he said i didn’t ring him and i wasn’t expecting him 2 do the same thing so obviously i know what that means. He said when he called me earlier i was with a guy and i could’ve told him instead. But I wasn’t with a guy. He then told me to look after myself and hanged up. Am soo heart broken it hurts so much.. Why did he have 2 come bk and finish me off telling me he’s got a girl.. i was finally moving on. I was loyal 2 this guy i never ever even looked at other guy when we were together.. Why did he treat me this way? What did i ever to him 4 him to be soo cruel. Am back to the broken heart again i was finally picking up myself and now he’s ruined it all 4 me all over again.

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A female reader, Lizzabeth United Kingdom +, writes (20 February 2009):

To finish off what he didnt previously! He leaves you pondering all these ifs and whys etc and then to boost his ego and proove to you he's all manly and strong and moved on, while possibly hoping you were still moping around after him..

Time will heal your pain, just go out and have fun to keep your mind of this idiot!

They treat you that way because they can and know it will affect us but us girls have to be strong and to be honest like the saying goes what doesnt kill us will only make us stronger..

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A female reader, Tisha-1 United States +, writes (20 February 2009):

Tisha-1 agony auntOkay, it's pretty clear that he's a jerk. And generally, jerks cannot be rehabilitated so that they behave like ordinary nice human beings in relationships. He must have been having some sort of low ego point so he decided to call you to make himself feel better.

The problem is that you took his call. Me, this guy? Accusing me of crap I knew I hadn't been doing? Um, no, uh uh, he's done, he's gone, I will not tolerate that kind of nonsense. So he's treated you badly, I mean really badly.

"Hi, it's your ex here, I hope you're really ground down, because if you're not, I'm here to stomp on your heart again."

*CLICK* That's the sound you hanging up the phone on him. And that phone is hung up FOREVER for this idiot. He's done, he's proved himself to be a self-centered and cruel anal sphincter muscle.

The answer to most of your questions is that it was not about you, it was about him being that anal sphincter muscle I mentioned earlier.

I know that it will take you a little while to process and absorb this, and that something inside you is making you take this out on yourself, but honestly, you just need to look at him as a really ugly life lesson. I think you also need to take it on board that there was nothing you could do or did that would have changed him in any way.

So take your power back. Don't let him erase all the progress you've made. Ignore the anal sphincter muscle and whatever nonsense he said to you. Most of the stuff that comes out of an anal sphincter muscle gets flushed down the toilet, right? So just remember that. Any crapola he's said to you, um, *SWWWWWOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSHHHHHH* down the toilet.

Call your girlfriends and tell them that you need some support and some girl power and have them help you *SSWWWWOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHH* this guy all over again.

Hugs, you know you deserve better. So don't ask for better. Just take it.

Take care.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 February 2009):

He did to to help his own broken ego. That's it. Once you get it through your thick heart that he's just some rotten hearted chump, you can let go and be a lot less heart broken about it.

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