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What can I do so she doesn't think I'm boring?

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 January 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 15 January 2010)
A male United States age 30-35, *east7051 writes:

i have been talkin to a girl that my friends girlfriend told me about and when i was talkin to her on the fone she said i was boring? wat can i do for her not to thank i am boring

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A male reader, AvgGuy1 United States +, writes (15 January 2010):

AvgGuy1 agony aunt

The key to getting ANYONE to really like you... is to LISTEN!!!

Listen to what she has to say.

Question things, so that she has to give you more detail. Find out what SHE LIKES and then get information about that stuff. If she likes a particular musical group or style... try to find out everything you can about it... then use that to your advantage (e.g. once you start dating - which is where I'm sure you'd like this to lead to - you can buy music, or tickets, or whatever it is for her). Find out what kinds of food she likes, or if she's into fashion maybe a particular designer (clothing).

It's also a two-way street. Don't become such a listener... that YOU don't talk. That's really annoying too. As a rule... try to TALK only about 25-33% of the time. Listen the rest.

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (15 January 2010):

Well the fact you have only talked to her randomly on the phone is hardly exciting.

Arrange to meet up with her and then TALK. Ask her questions.

Good Luck!! xx

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