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We are both 18 and virgins and I don't actually know what to do when we have sex!

Tagged as: Virginity<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (5 December 2006) 3 Answers - (Newest, 17 December 2006)
A male , anonymous writes:

ok im 18yrs old and been with my gf a while now and are both are ready to have sex but we are both virgins and she doenst know im a virgin and just dont know what to do???

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A female reader, scared16 +, writes (17 December 2006):

scared16 agony auntwell u definitely need to talk 2her. if she knows ur a virgin and the same as her she will b a lot more relaxed n wot b thinkin that ur comparing her to your other sexual partners! sex will b better fro both of u! enjoy x x x

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A female reader, forgetmenot +, writes (13 December 2006):

forgetmenot agony auntwell definately talk to her openly about the fact that you're also a virgin and about not being sure of what to do. The fact that you're posting this and asking is at least a good sign that you want to do it right and make her feel good but until you can talk openly with her about it you might not be as ready as you think you are

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A male reader, Frank B Kermit Canada +, writes (6 December 2006):

Frank B Kermit agony auntHi There,

I give seminars for adult male virgins. Check out my website of

The reviews of the guys who attended my seminar should have enough information to get you started. In the meanwhile, understand that birth control is your responsiblity to make sure you BOTH are using protection. Start with a trip to your local clinic, pharmacy, and some colleges/universities have a sex-ed department that can provide you with information.

-Frank B Kermit

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