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Water affects my nails more than I think it should!

Tagged as: Health<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 May 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 8 May 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, *eauty V Brains writes:

my nails are long and have nice white tips, the only problem is whenever my hands go in water the tips go clear and wont go back to normal for at least 24 hours. Its not because of cholerine! just normal natural water effecting them. has this happened to anyone before and how can i make it stop?

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A female reader, BettyBoup United Kingdom +, writes (8 May 2010):

BettyBoup agony auntYeh this is normal. The 'white' of your nail will change constantly as you go about your day to day activities and it differes from person to person. Whem mine grow long sometimes half of a nail will go clear for no apparent reason or like 2 on one hand and 3 on the other. Don't worry about it.

What you can do is buy nail whitener. There is either a pencil that you fill in the underside with or a varnish you paint over the top. Or get a french manicure. This is the only way to truely keep the white of your nail white, unless you plan to sit around every day with your hands in the air!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (8 May 2010):

Happens to me, totally normal. If it really bothers you just paint your nails a nice colour to cover it up. Chances are though that no one besides you will ever notice it. Don't sweat the small stuff :)

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