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Valentines day card help...

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Question - (9 February 2012) 1 Answers - (Newest, 10 February 2012)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:


I am making a valentine's day card for my boyfriend of 8 months. I also got him shoes from Aldo's that I know he wanted to get. My problem is the card. Since I am making it myself I hope he will like it better than something I just bought. I just need some ideas. So far I have a black card with a big pink heart in the center. We have this cute way of calling each other cupcake and muffin, so i colored pictures of a muffin and a cupcake and they have faces. Now i will put the two characters inside the big pink heart, and I need them to say something.....thats where im stuck.

I dont know what cute/funny/sweet conversation the cupcake and muffin should have????!!!!

ON the back of the card, i made a pocket out of purple paper and im gonna put a small white paper inside that has a kiss on it and it says read my lips or just kiss them thats even better.

AND i also would like any ideas about the front cover of the card.


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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 February 2012):

Draw a cupcake on the front and put little shoes prints on it.

inside put you walked right into my heart and put a heart on that cupcake with little hearts

and on the back of the card

put two sets of shoes prints with the toes pointing at each other. with your little kisses all over it

say this "I'm trippin' on your love cupcake"

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