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This girl is always trying to hang out with my boyfriend!

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 March 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 19 March 2009)
A female Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hi, I am just wondering how to approach this situation...

there is this girl that likes my boyfriend... and i am constantly annoyed by her because she is always trying to hang out with him, even though he doesn't want to and pretty much tries not to talk to her. Anyways the problem is I was just looking at his pictures on facebook, and i noticed she commented on one, saying

"Awwwww that is my favorite picture of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

at first I was pissed off, and I still am.. but then I was looking at it and the excessive use of exclamation marks made me think she is doing it just to piss me off? so should I ignore it? I really want to send her message telling her to back off, but I know for a fact that will stir up drama that I don't want. (She has a very bitchy best friend that previously lived with my boyfriend, and my bf has said numerous times "they are both dumb bitches") So I'm wondering how to approach it? should I just mention it to him? what should I say?

View related questions: best friend, facebook

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 March 2009):

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I totally agree that it's up to him to stop it, and I am a very chill girl that doesn't get jealous very often. I am concerned though that if he is unaware of it bothering me then he is not going to stop it. Would it be safe to just mention something like "oh have you been talking to such and such?, cause i noticed she commented on your picture" and maybe just mention that I don't appreciate her doing that?

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A female reader, ollydakat Australia +, writes (18 March 2009):

ollydakat agony auntyes ignore it.

Knowing the typical male he is lapping up the attention

continuing to get angry will only dig a grave for your relationship. dont be jealous. boys hate jealousy

prove to him how much of a cool girl you are by being very chill about the situation. remember. the key to a relationship is trust

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