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Should I drop it and move on?

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Question - (21 August 2010) 4 Answers - (Newest, 26 August 2010)
A male United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I met this girl at a law function (we are both in law school) and we talked most of the night, then went to an 80's party together. I got her number, and asked her to dinner (she smiled and agreed). We went out and had a great time, we went back to her place and made out (plus a little bit more). She wanted to see me the next day so I called her to go get coffee, we went and talked, then I dropped her off and she kissed me. Later that night (about an hour later) she and I were at another law function. I didn't really talk to her much until I saw her leaving (I'm not her bf, I hadn't seen many of my friends in a long time, plus she mentioned she hates it when guys get jealous, so I wanted to give her space). We talked for about ten minutes before she left, she said she wanted to hang out again, she went home, I went out.

The next day I called her just to say hi and possible schedule another date (we had talked about her coming to see me play in a soccer game/ going rock climbing). she didn't call back. Do I just drop it and move one, or try again?

View related questions: jealous, move on

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (26 August 2010):

OK, I would've thought that the problem would be that you are doing too much too fast--BUT she went out with you on all of those dates and showed a lot of interest. If she suddenly is acting less interested then that means she just isn't that into you so don't force something that's not there. As a girl, I know that I can take a few seconds out of my busy day to text or answer a call easily. She is using excuses, so take that as a sign to drop her now and find someone else. Basically she is trying to politely blow you off, I've done it many times. Go out while you can and take advantage of meeting other great girls that will give you more attention.

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (24 August 2010):

tennisstar88 agony auntI live by the 3 day rule give her 2 more days to call you back is she doesn't call during that time frame then she's just not that into you. Or since law school is pretty demanding, she could be busy but if woman are interested we'll send at least a few texts if were interested no matter how busy we are.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 August 2010):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Sounds good. Anyone know why she may be acting this way? Is she trying to blow me off or would she likely be busy?

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A male reader, Pazush Israel +, writes (21 August 2010):

Pazush agony auntHi,

seems that youre taking it the right way,

i think you should hold on one day, try to meet her at school that day.

if wont be possible, text a 'sweet dreams' msg or call at the evening

holding it should make her better ready.

although it sounds like a start of a good thing comming


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