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She has a bf, but she likes me. What should I do?

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Question - (27 January 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 28 January 2007)
A male United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I long to be in a relationship with one of my female friends. (im male) There is a problem, she is in a relationship with a friend, have been for while. I'v been told she likes me, but she is off traveling soon for a year. what should i do?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (28 January 2007):

Seems to me if she's off travelling for a year she's doesnt know who she loves??? Lets face it if she really liked you she wouldnt have a boyfriend. Is this the type of girl you want as a friend or do you like complication! I've been down that road 2 times!

Romance King

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A male reader, Chrisss United Kingdom +, writes (28 January 2007):

Chrisss agony auntYoy should ask her if she really likes this other guy and if not if she likes you.

This should help set things straight, there is no point in hear say. If you have a query...ASK about it!!

Hope this helps,


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A female reader, TasteofIndia United States +, writes (28 January 2007):

TasteofIndia agony auntLeave. It. Be.

She's leaving soon ANYWAY. What all can you really do right now? Build a relationship? Well, that relationship is going to be off on a rough, rough start. Your friend will be angry with you AND her, there will be drama and will it really feel that great? From the way you wrote your question, it doesn't seem like you have inconsolable love for her, so I would let her go before that serious crush sets in.

Maybe when she gets home from her travels, the timing will be better for you two.


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A female reader, Babi-G United Kingdom +, writes (28 January 2007):

if shes already with a friend you shouldnt really think bout being with her unless she would cheat on him with you but if she did what would make you think she wouldnt cheat on you. even if you did start a relationship with her would you be able to do a LDR when shes travelling i think she would want to feel free. i think you should find someone new who is single and who isnt a friend because starting a relationship with a friend can also be a bad idea.

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