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Pressured to a have child or lose my partner!

Tagged as: Family<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 August 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 27 August 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I have been with my partner for 7 years since we were just teenagers. He has recently told me that he wants marriage and children within the next 2 or 3 years but I am not sure I do. Its not a flat no from my side but I just dont know (if ever) that I will be ready in that particular time span, plus talk about take the romance and surprise out of the relationship! I would much rather carry on as we are and see where life takes us, Id like a bit more knowledge of the world and to be financially stable before kids.

But he seems devastated that I cant commit to his wants and now he is saying that he is no longer sure he wants to be with me as having a family and wife is all he wants and just having me isnt enough. So what do I do? Do I lie and tell him I want all those things that soon and just hope that it all works out? or do I leave him? We want different things right now and I dont want to risk spending say another 5 more years with him if he will then leave me because I still hadnt had his child. I love him and want to live happerly with him but have no clue what to do for the best.

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (27 August 2008):

Well to demand that and put a time frame on it is a bit rough to be honest. Most couple discuss things like marriage and kids and work it out from there.

If you want to be with him forever then the marriage bit is no problem as you can be happily married and not have kids for a good long while.

But kids are something you have to discuss. Find out why he's so broody, try and find a relative you can babysit for and let him deal with the screaming and the poo for a bit. It could be that he has a romantic idea of playing football down the park but has no clue about 3am feeds.

Good Luck!! xx

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