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My period is late and there's no way I could be what else is going on?

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Question - (11 October 2006) 2 Answers - (Newest, 11 October 2006)
A female United Kingdom, anonymous writes:

Ok, this is probably nothing to worry about but thought I'd get some feed back as this is a highly unusual occorance for me.

I am nearly 2 weeks late for my period. ('Ah she's pregnant' I hear you say....) No, absolutely no chance of that as I have not had any sexual relations in over a year. I am always on time, spot on (escuse the pun!)every 4 weeks regardless of any stresses that may be going on in my life. Actually I very rarely get stressed am a laid-back kinda gal. I've never missed a period...ever!! Am not thinking much about it as this in itself could be the delay, but as I have no worries of being pregnant, I am a little curious!!

View related questions: be pregnant, period

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A female reader, Wolf Paws +, writes (11 October 2006):

Wolf Paws agony auntAre you a thin person? I know that periods can stop when your under 8 or 9 stone or something like that. If you're sure you're not pregnant (Are you sure? I'm not saying you're the kind of person who would but maybe you went out clubbing or something recently, got drunk, met a boy... need i say more?)

then maybe you should see a doctor or GP Just to check nothing's wrong or confirm that it IS down to some unknown stress. Maybe you're just late? But two weeks does sound a long time to be "just late"

Hope this helped,

Wolf Paws -x-

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 October 2006):

Well, it COULD be some sort of stress, even though you don't think you're experiencing any, or some other (probably) minor ailment.

It wouldn't hurt to check in with your doctor.....

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