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LDR and I miss her so much! How do I cope?

Tagged as: Long distance<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (6 July 2019) 2 Answers - (Newest, 13 July 2019)
A male Canada age 22-25, anonymous writes:

I am writing as I find myself in a situation I can only assume most feel. I have been with my S/O for over 5 months now and everything between us is amazing. We are both head over heels for each other but unfortunately, we are in a long distance relationship. The upside is that it will only be for another 2 months. There are absolutely no worries between the two of us and we both fully trust and are committed to one another. We also communicate frequently. My question is why do I miss her so damn much. It sucks not being with her and I follow advice others give (stay busy, work, exercise, see friends, etc.) yet she is always on my mind. I never have worries or think negatively, I just want to be with her as she makes me so happy. Any advice would be great and thanks for looking over my short ramble!!

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A male reader, anonymus2012 Australia +, writes (13 July 2019):

I'm terribly sorry for what I'm about to say.

Is not worth it. I wasted 3 years of my life hoping my ldg would marry me. I travel from continent to continent every 2 or 3 months just to be with her for a couple of weeks. I drained my savings account, got in debt with my taxes, At the end after 3 years she wasn't sure about marrying me. Long distance relationships rarely work. They can work out only if you have a solid plan from the beginning so you can be together in the future.

If i was you I would cut my losses and lick my wounds. You both deserve better.

Just my opinion.

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A female reader, Youcannotbeserious United Kingdom +, writes (7 July 2019):

Youcannotbeserious agony auntI would find it strange if you DIDN'T miss your girlfriend very much, given YOUR age and the longevity (or lack of it) of your relationship. Had your relationship been five YEARS long, I bet the yearning would not have been anywhere near as strong as it is now. Yes, you would still miss her if you had a good relationship, but you would carry on your life without thinking of her all the time.

It's only 2 months. That just 8 weeks or 56 days. Are you one of these people that likes to see "progress"? Then make up a chart broken down into days before your girlfriend is back, or even hours if that helps, and mark off the time until she is back. (This is how I cope with flying. I hate it so much that I make myself a little "chart" broken down into 5 minute segments, which I mark off as the time goes by, so I can see how far we have come and how much time I have left in what I find an uncomfortable situation.)

Have you any "goals" before your girlfriend's return? Losing weight perhaps, or getting fitter, or even decorating a room or learning a new skill? Massage is a fabulous skill to learn and will be greatly appreciated by your girlfriend. What about learning to cook a few dishes so you can surprise her by cooking for her when she gets back?

Don't feel it is "wrong" to miss her. It would be wrong NOT to miss her. Think of your separation as something you are "coming through" rather than "going through" and that will help you focus on the light at the end of the tunnel.

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