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I really like this boy and I think he likes me back too, but he has a girlfriend!

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 August 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 20 August 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, *sk Reanne :) writes:

right here goes im rele confussed :S

I rele like this boy and i think he likes me back

hes gotta girlfriend thou and hes been with her a reallly long time. I rele dunno wot to do cos i dnt wanna like come between them. I am really confussed can anyone help me!?.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 August 2008):

Just be patient. If it was meant to be it will be. But you should try not to come between him and his girlfriend.

Just wait your turn. Eventually he may become single again and you will be able to make your move guilt free.

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A male reader, LonelyButNotAlone United States +, writes (20 August 2008):

LonelyButNotAlone agony auntIt IS probably best that you don't come between them. That can create more problems than it's worth at times.

But perhaps you won't have to do anything and he'll come to you all on his own? Maybe he's unhappy with her.

Either way, it's his call. There isn't really much you can do besides wait and see what happens.

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