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I have fallen for my aunt, it hurts because I know nothing will ever come of it.

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Question - (9 October 2006) 3 Answers - (Newest, 10 October 2006)
A male , anonymous writes:

hello. Since about 2 years ago. i have started noticing that my aunt (my dad's sister is very hot. and i am very close to her. .now, i start having thoughts about sex with her. i want this lust to stop, but i dont in a way. i mean, i LOVE her... but sometimes since i know it's probabely not going to happen, it hurts me ALOT. i've cryed a few times. but i want to do it badley! i dont know what would happen. i mean, should i just get her to a certain place, alone, and tell her how i feel. (like how much i love her and think she is gorgeous) but then, what if she tells my parents. i dont know how to go about this. maybe if i do it with her, the lust will stop. i need some advice. also, the weird thing is that, she isnt even very pretty or super hot. but i dont know. PLEASE HELP ME....... What should i do?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 October 2006):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

thanks a lot

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 October 2006):

Your aunt is basically your dad - same flesh, same blood, same genes. So when you think about your aunt, remember that she is the same as your dad. Only difference being the shape, possibly size, texture of her skin, and yeah...

I agree with Ms. Anon below - it's just your massively raging hormones needing some release, and your aunt just so happened to be in your vicinity of horniness. Well, this is out of my moral bounds, but I'll suggest to you to look up some mature porn. If won't do much for your psyche, but everyone can say "Stop thinking about your aunt! Don't listen to Martini! He's f**ked in the head! Porn is evil! Burn in hell!" But ultimately, unless you surrender yourself to a 1930's mental asylum for the 'mentally sick', you can only relieve yourself by looking at mature porn or better yet, open your mind to other things - other hobbies like martial arts which help calm raging emotions.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 October 2006):

Look at the moment your full of raging hormones and dying to just have sex. Let me give you some advice- shes your aunt- your parents wouldnt like it and besides, you may regret it later in life when you realised the girl you love isnt the first one you will be having sex with. My advice is wait- this feeling of lust will pass, please save yourself for the right one. Good luck.

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