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I am a year and a bit older than him - will he not ask me out because of our age difference?

Tagged as: Age differences<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 December 2006) 3 Answers - (Newest, 7 December 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

Will guys ask girls who are alittle bit older out?

Im 20 will be 21 in 2 wks. He is 19 will be 20 in june.

I think he likes me but i dont know if he would ever ask me out cuz of my age.

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A female reader, AngelofLove United Kingdom +, writes (7 December 2006):

AngelofLove agony auntI am sure that age is not the reason. Perhaps he is shy and not sure if thats what he wants to do.

Talk to him about your feelings. Nothing to lose and hopefully something to gain if you take the leap.

Good luck!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 December 2006):

I wouldnt think it would make a difference to a guy, there is a guy that likes me and his 15 months younger than me, and i wouldnt see any problem with getting together except that i like someone else! A year and a bit is nothing much at all and i wouldnt worry about it, its wether a person likes you, not the age xxx

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A female reader, emma girl44 +, writes (7 December 2006):

thats just wrong not to ask someone out because of a small age differance. if he doesnt ask you out for that then that's just dumb.i like a boy who is about 7 months younger than me,and we are just fine. it doesnt madder much as long as you really like him.

p.s good luck!

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