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How to be able to say to him that I love him, and miss him? I have always had this problem...

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Question - (1 September 2007) 1 Answers - (Newest, 1 September 2007)
A female Macedonia age 41-50, *amohir writes:

How to say him, that i realy miss him, and love him?

I have always this damn problem... I just find myself incapable of saying to any guy that i Miss him, and have feelings toward One.

My father and mother's marriage was and still is hell, and on one part maybe because of it. On the other because im afraid that after he would simply leave me and i would regret. Dont know how to make myself. Drinking, pissings out completely do not help. I feel great pain of my incapability.. Any suggestion?

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A male reader, Escalaya United States +, writes (1 September 2007):

Escalaya agony auntJust try smaller things, one step at a time, hun. First, try telling him that you are glad he's back. Or atleast happy to see him again. Try telling him you really like him alot, and eventually building up to saying those three beautiful words, "I love you."

It's hard, and alot of people hesitate when it comes to speaking those words, I did, because I wanted to know if it was the truth, or not.

I'm sure that, if you truly love him, he'll know it, and you'll be able to remind him all you want, you just have to keep trying, and you have to push yourself to over come that hardship.

Best of luck, take care.

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