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How can I find my father when I only know his name?

Tagged as: Family<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 October 2010) 5 Answers - (Newest, 24 October 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, *hion writes:

im 35 was born in 1975 and am looking for my father i havent seen him since i was 3months old what can i do i only know his name

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A female reader, natmarie United Kingdom +, writes (24 October 2010):

natmarie agony auntTry the Salvation Army. They are brilliant at this sort of thing, and have a worldwise network. Good luck. x

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A female reader, leaf_ lady United Kingdom +, writes (24 October 2010):

leaf_ lady agony and spock, I have found people on there and there is always social networking sites like facebook.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 October 2010):

this gives you the contact details of 2 charities that can help.

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A female reader, followtheblackrabbit Cayman Islands +, writes (24 October 2010):

followtheblackrabbit agony auntOther than hiring a private detective, you'd probably have to look at old census records and every single piece of information you know about him is crucial. Ask family members. Find out things like: where he worked, if he went to college, age at time of your birth, and hopefully, you have a picture. If hes military, all the easier. Ive heard of people finding family through facebook too. If you don't find anything, here's an option: You may have siblings! Look at the people with his last name, and based on their ages, eliminate those not likely to be his kids. When making contact, be friendly but to the point. "Hello, I'm sorry this is out of the blue. my lost relative is ** and I thought I'd try and find him here. Are you related to him by chance?"There's a feature on the website that also allows you to name family so you can look at that. Last but not least, I'm very sorry to add this but...obituaries...that's a less favorable option but an option no less. I hoped I helped a little and the best of luck!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 October 2010):

If all u have is his name then that might nt b as simple. But for starters, u could first try to get ahold of others with his last name. Do u know of any place hes ever lived? Like maybe whr he meet ur mom. Theres probley a chance he had some sort of family in that area, and looking for the whole dads family would be easier then just looking for one person... Hope this helps

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