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He's confusing me, should I try to persuade him, or let him go?

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (3 July 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 4 July 2008)
A female Ireland age 36-40, anonymous writes:

how do u know if a boy really likes you?im so confused,iv been on and off with this boy for 4years we have never been serious with each other u could say it was just for fun,but im startin to fall for him..i have told him that i really like him,and at first he said we can try and work things out i was really happy when he said that..a few days went by and i didnt hear from him,and when i did he said (im into you and i like you but it wont work i know it wont)!!!!i just cant get my head around it??why did he say he wanted to work things out in the first place.........does he even like me at all????

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 July 2008):

I think he prefers the original fun you had. Hes probably not mature enough to be in a serious relationship.

I hate telling people bad news like that, so heres a positive. Use this as learning experience, and you could try and convince him to try and make it work. It would take a lot of effort for someone so restless and so commited to the fact it wouldn't.

Just try and keep trying. If it doesn't work, go for someone who is ready for a serious relationship. It's not like your going to get married is it?! Keep looking for that special person!!

Remember, if you upset and unhappy about this things to tend to look up. It does get better and you'll have some experience under your belt.

If you want to get hold of me just message me if you think I could help.

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