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Help! Why do I find it so difficult to have sex with my boyfriend???

Tagged as: Dating, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 March 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 9 March 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, *A19 writes:

I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years.. he loves me a lot and I love him too. but my problem is that we have been trying to have sex since 6 months but we could not have.(not every day of course) I am a virgin and he is very experienced. I like making out with him , I get aroused when he caresses me but when ever he tries putting it inside me i feel too much of pain.. He has been very understanding and stops when ever I start screaming out of pain and say NO.. He has never forced me. He says that I am wet enough to have penetration but I do not know why I feel too much pain. He says for me to relax and just let it go... but I am always confused what to do.. I just lay there not knowing what to do... I feel bad for him.. It may be so frustrating for him as a man... I think I am not normal... I feel bad for myself...

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A female reader, Auntie E United States +, writes (9 March 2010):

Auntie E agony auntMake an appointment with a female gynecologist. You have vaginisms - involuntary constriction of the muscles surrounding your vagina. Seek professional help.

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