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Does my fetish make me abnormal?

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Question - (6 January 2011) 4 Answers - (Newest, 30 August 2011)
A male United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:


I would like some advice on a personal and potentially embarrassing issue.

I have a sexual fetish for shiny or transparent, glossy pvc plastic. Anything made from shiny or transparent pvc arouses me- pvc raincoats, transparent pvc shower curtains and pvc inflatable furniture (brightly coloured transparent or shiny inflatable furniture).

I know that my fetish might seem weird to those who do'nt have a fetish, but there are, believe it or not, other people who have similar fetishes. For example, some have balloon fetishes (they're called 'looners'). Others like latex.

I enjoy the smoothness, glossy appearance, smell and the 'crackly' noise of pvc plastic. I have been drawn to pvc for as long as I can remember- it all started when I was about 8 or 10 years old.

I just would like reassurance that I am not sexually perverted or psychologically abnormal, a weirdo.

After all, my fetish does'nt harm others. The dilemma for me is finding a girlfriend who can accept my fetish and not think that I am some weirdo. My fetish aside, my orientation is heterosexual and I am currently single. I am in my mid-20's and have never had any girlfriends; I do feel lonely as a result, but I feel that this lack of intimacy in my life is the result of my Asperger's syndrome (a mild form of high-functioning autism), not because of my pvc fetishism.

Any constructive, non-judgemental advice would be most welcome.


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A male reader, deedee100 Germany +, writes (30 August 2011):

Dear Christopher,

Your history is similar to mine, discovering plastic at a young age, hetro and embarrassed. I used to go weak in the knees when I saw a girl dressed in a plastic raincoat. I assume that you like to wear it as well.

First off, you have no choice about what you find attractive. Pvc is normal for you as it is for me and many others. Second, You are normal and it sounds like you are very intelligent and compassionate as well. It is a necessary part of your self expression. Denying this to yourself because of shame will leave you feeling incomplete and very depressed. Although there are a strong sexual feelings associated with shiny plastic I have found out that this is not all the attraction is. Wearing pvc around the flat while I am alone working also has the effect of calming me. I feel whole when I am wearing an item of pvc. After finally excepting myself as regards to my feeling for shiny or transparent, glossy pvc plastic I began to realize that I actually became jealous when my partner wore something I had given her. I began to feel very sad instead of excited because I wanted to wear it and couldn't admit it to her, after all what grown man 6'1" tall wears a clear red plastic girls raincoat with his girlfriend. I have spent many years with the same dilemma, how to include the fetish in a relationship. The first relationship you can get straight is your relationship with yourself. Your attraction and need for pvc will not go away. If you deny it to appear "normal" you will become depressed. You need honest emotional connection to a partner to feel whole. It is important that your partner just looks at you wearing a raincoat at times. It is not always about sex, it is about personal expression. This is also who you are. Your partner needs to know this. Wear something you like when you are studying or otherwise relaxed at home. Are you living at home? If you need to, talk to your parents. Hiding sux. I never spoke to my parents and I found out years later that my dad had a fetish as well.

You may find out that you don't need your partner to wear plastic, that it is a huge relief that she sees you as you are and that you are relaxed enough to dress the way you like in front of her. Girls are funny in that they also like to "play along" and dress up when they are not pressured do do something. When you are ok with what you like then you can attract others who are ok with you.

I wish you the best.

You are normal.

You will find someone who will except you.

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (7 January 2011):

tennisstar88 agony auntActually your fetish isn't uncommon, it's actually pretty popular. There are a LOT of people who are into that shiny, wet, nylon, pvc look.

I've seen websites dedicated to it, and numerous videos on youtube about it.

I would post an ad on Craigslist or in the personals specifying what you're looking for.

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A female reader, ToHereKnowsWhen Australia +, writes (7 January 2011):

ToHereKnowsWhen agony auntI understand fetish to be "a form of sexual desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the body". Then give or take the definition of abnormal, most of us would have fetishes to some extent. Your fetish doesn't harm anyone so I can't see a problem with it.

However, I can understand that finding a girl to willingly participate might be difficult. Could you find a contact website that you could be part of and meet someone that way.

All the best.

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A male reader, olderthandirt  +, writes (7 January 2011):

olderthandirt agony auntYou might want to keep this fetish to yourself around women as they tend to also love shiney things(diamonds,gold,silver,etc.) and you may run into a competition thing. just sayin'

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