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Shall I ask him out or shall I wait? What should I do?

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Question - (24 July 2006) 4 Answers - (Newest, 4 April 2008)
A female United Kingdom, anonymous writes:

hiya im really confused at the moment i really love this boy and i said i did to loads of people and 4 5 months ive liked him but the problem is this girl said i was not good enough for him but apparently to my m8 he said i was to good 4 him but i dont no if my m8s tellin the truth she said he opened up to her and i sort of beliv her cuz he said he liked me and hes invite me to town on thursday and apparently hes gonna ask me out and i dont no what to do and if he likes me shall i ask him out or shall i w8 please help im really confused thanks xxxx

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A female reader, Ms Quisitive Australia +, writes (4 April 2008):

it may be hard but just be honest. if you let him know how confused you are he might understand just how much u like him

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 January 2008):

i really do know how you feel i have gone through the exact same things. There was this boy at my school and we started walking home togetha and started getting friendly!

After a few week i asked him out he said no. But then he invited me to meadowhall and i went and there he asked me out i said yes orcourse. Then he dumped me and asked me back out we where an item for 8 month until he started blowing me of for his friends so i finished him. Today i went swimming he was there and i propa like him and dont know wether to ask him out and i am going to. So you ask him out you have nothing to lose. Adleast you will then know where you stand. Hope ive being helpful, Beth xxx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (26 June 2007):

I found myself in the same situation and now he's my boyfriend! Well i did was you know say "Hi how are you?" and if he answers with intrest ask him more easy questions like "What's your favourite colour?" etc. Then later on that day same something like "My friend is doing this tally chart and she wants to know who you'd go out with in year.....(say your year), who would you go out with?"

Then he hopefully says you! LOL Then say "Wow! You're cooler than i thought you were! Let's hang out sometime! hey?" he says yes or no depending on the expression of your voice! Then take it from there get to know him! Never move in to fast, or he'll think your desperate! Hope my advice helps Bye xxxx

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A female reader, jackie69 United Kingdom +, writes (25 July 2006):

jackie69 agony auntHia!

My advise is:

1) go to meet him in town

2) See how he acts around you he couls be showing off/ a bit shy and quiet around you

3) if he is doing any of those and wants to spend all his time with you then YES he does like you.

Just start by asking if he wants to meet up again? if he doesn't ask you.

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