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*torm08 agony aunt


United Kingdom  (Female   XML/RSS

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*torm08's Ratings

I'm very worried because in my dream I was lesbian!

Q.   About a month ago now i had a dream i was a lesbian, before that I was perfectly straight. Now i'm really confused about my sexuality. I have a boyfriend but now i just don't know; i feel really happy when i'm around him and i really love him. But ...

A.   12 September 2009: i beleive all dreams have a meaning, especially the reoccuring dreams... i doesnt mean you are a lesbian in your waking life. i looked up lesbian dream meanings for you and this is what i got... To dream that you are a lesbian (but you are not ... (read in full...)

I don't feel sexually satisfied, any tips to make sex better for me?

Q.   I'm in a relationship which is obviously more than just sex. However, when we do have sex i do not orgasm and i cannot tell when i am 'coming'. So while my partner is getting pleasured i dont find sex that great and end up unsatisfied and wanting ...

A.   3 September 2009: Hi, the best thing i have found to help you reach orgasm, is to set yourself up in a sexy scene, candles, red bedding, sexy underwear, and a bottle of wine to relax yourselves, start off with seducing your fella by running your hand over his "s... (read in full...)

How do you know when the reltionship is over or coming to an end?

Q.   Hi everyone, This isn't the first time I have written to you, and last time I got some great advice that would normally work, but not in my relationship. I don't know if it coming to an end... I have lost everything, my friends my job. I just want...

A.   16 October 2008: thank you for the reply... beleive me i have tried talking, and it doesn't work. nothing does.she looks away or doesn't answer like she is taking it in but getting it out her head before its registered. ive tried me being affectionate, me being ... (read in full...)

Does sex disappear in all relationships?

Q.   hey i have been with my girlfrind for 9 months ( this is my first serious relationship) to cut the story short.. the first 3 months where great in the bedroom now its none existant!! is it me?? or do all relationships turn out like this?? or has she ...

A.   9 October 2008: no she is a lesbian and has been for 10 years.. the thing is i still think she has feelings for her ex as she talks about her alot and its not talking about her in a bad way...dont get me wrong she has bad mouthed her but she still talks about her ... (read in full...)

Does sex disappear in all relationships?

Q.   hey i have been with my girlfrind for 9 months ( this is my first serious relationship) to cut the story short.. the first 3 months where great in the bedroom now its none existant!! is it me?? or do all relationships turn out like this?? or has she ...

A.   7 October 2008: she don't like porn. infact she don't like anything like that everything in the bedroom has lost its spark what should i do??... (read in full...)

Does sex disappear in all relationships?

Q.   hey i have been with my girlfrind for 9 months ( this is my first serious relationship) to cut the story short.. the first 3 months where great in the bedroom now its none existant!! is it me?? or do all relationships turn out like this?? or has she ...

A.   7 October 2008: hey she wont wear sexy lingrie... or go out to coctail bars, i work she stays at home i encourage her, try to come on to her..but never force it, and nothing works. any others ideas??... (read in full...)

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