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Is My girlfriend taking me for a fool?

Q.   Hi guys, you’ll have to bear with me on this one. It’s complicated to say the least. Just before Christmas last year my girlfriend cheated on me with another man. She aborted his baby as well just to add to the mess. I found out back in September ...

A.   21 December 2021: You're a man so have some pride. Let her go. This is going to get worse. Think about the fact that her inner circle knew about this whole ordeal and looked at you, watched you be the good man that you are toward this undeserving woman, and they ... (read in full...)

My girlfriend had sex with my friend bought a plan B from pharmacy. How do I talk to her? She doesn't know that I know

Q.   My partner and I have been together for 2 years now, and it's been pretty great. But in the last year our sex life started to be less frequent. We've been playing some kinky games in the last number of months, where she would talk about her flirting...

A.   20 December 2021: This is a great question. So many people think they're supposed to live life a certain way when maybe they can't. Talk to your boy and let him know that you know. Then tell him it's all good and plan an evening with her. At the end of the night, ... (read in full...)

My mother ruined my wedding day

Q.   I have a controlling mother- she’s always been like it and ive just spent my whole life accepting it. She has no boundaries and interferes all the time. I got married 3 years ago and did so many things that upset me and like an idiot I...

A.   20 December 2021: The purpose of the wedding is to celebrate the beginning of your marriage. Have a 5 year anniversary party and do it again. And your mom sounds cool. Just relax. If she was a dork that did everything a certain way, she wouldn't be who she is. ... (read in full...)

My fiance eats so much and takes so long before we can have sex. Why is she like this?

Q.   I've been with my fiancee for 2 years, the wedding's off due to COVID but we've been together for 5 years as a couple. She's a great girl, lovely, kind, helpful, always has some project on the go here. Sex is the big issue. It's not that she...

A.   20 December 2021: I'm in fear of fat shaming or whatever but that's a lot of food and I assume you have a fat fetish the way you describe so casually. It's going to get worse twice as fast as it would with a normal person. I say normal because eating all that shit ... (read in full...)

How do I handle my controlling sister in law without damaging relationships?

Q.   My husband and I have been married for almost seven years and together for almost 11. I've always had a good relationship with my in-laws...BUT. I have also always felt like I've had to tiptoe around his only sibling (a sister who is a year older ...

A.   20 December 2021: Maybe you need to relax. I thought she'd be some type of bully or outwardly rude person with problems with communication but... I feel like if you bring this up you're going to be in a conversation with yourself. ... (read in full...)

Are things serious?

Q.   My girlfriend kissed me in the cheek for the first time, and in school! Does this mean things got more serious?...

A.   20 December 2021: Yes. It means she's not embarrassed or shy about showing you affection in front of people. Just be sure this isn't a thing she does casually. Then it'd be a no.... (read in full...)

My wife thinks flirting is harmless. I don't agree

Q.   Wife goes out on girls night with her divorced friend. I'm fine with this, however ever since a Halloween party, she wears her tight black spandex pants and low cut leotard she bought; she went as bad Sandy and couldn't stop talking about all the ...

A.   20 December 2021: I'm a grown man and I say she needs to respect you and the relationship. If the tables were turned and you were going out with your newly single best friend looking for younger women together "for him", I believe you can answer with confidence she ... (read in full...)

My wife thinks flirting is harmless. I don't agree

Q.   Wife goes out on girls night with her divorced friend. I'm fine with this, however ever since a Halloween party, she wears her tight black spandex pants and low cut leotard she bought; she went as bad Sandy and couldn't stop talking about all the ...

A.   20 December 2021: I'm a grown man and I say she needs to respect you and the relationship. If the tables were turned and you were going out with your newly single best friend looking for younger women together "for him", I believe you can answer with confidence she ... (read in full...)

My wife's promiscuous past still haunts me after 28 years! Should I confront her or try and get help?

Q.   Dear Cupid, I'm a 51 year old man, now married for 28 years. I was a 22 year old virgin when I met my wife. I had been in one long term relationship with a younger girl but we had not 'gone all the way' because we both felt that we wanted t...

A.   9 December 2021: I understand exactly where you're going through. There are probably other issues that develop when a woman is easy like not being able to build a strong bond. It's not possible to have that many partners and it not effect anyone is any way. If our ... (read in full...)

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