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Be Yourself, No Matter Who That Is.

Q.   I've heard alot about how girls/guys are afraid to be themselves around their lovers, because they feel that they'll lose interest. I think you should be who youare, no matter how you dress, act, talk, or think. Love is love, no one should be judged ...

A.   18 November 2008: You are soooooo right!!! You smed the whole thing up! you make a wonderful writer. This has been a down day for me. I needed that. thanks!!!!!!... (read in full...)

How can I ask him out without scaring him??

Q.   I'm tired of having my crush ignore me a lot of the time. So, instead, I am considering asking him out, but considering I'm only 13 and never had a boyfriend before, I'm really unsure as to the best way to ask him without scaring him. Any advic...

A.   18 November 2008: Be yourself act like he is your old friend. But do get straight to the point. Don't take too long to ask him. You might lose your courage. I'm only 10 and I have never had a boyfriend either. One of the best things you can do is not blush. ... (read in full...)

Is there anyone else who has a thing for tights?

Q.   i have this thing for things that are skin tight like rubber gloves and tights, about a month ago i bought a pair of tights and whenever my parents are out i wear them, is there anyone else like me?...

A.   16 November 2008: Totally!!!!!!!!!! i like leggings best! you go girl!!!!!!!!... (read in full...)

What makes a guy attractive?

Q.   Hello, I just have a quick question, sorry if it sounds ignorant. I have tried to figure this out, but I have failed. What makes a guy physically attractive? I know that it's really the personality and all, but being attractive doesn't hurt, so I ...

A.   16 November 2008: From my perspective looks don't matter. it's the personality. But, if you really have to know. his eyes, and hair.... (read in full...)

Girls, what are some questions you'd want to be asked by a guy that would make you feel good?

Q.   Hello. I like this girl, blah blah blah, you've heard it before. I'm hanging out w/her as much as I can without seeming too clingy, but the problem is, is that most of our time is silent. Girls, what are some questions you'd want to be asked by a ...

A.   16 November 2008: Keep it simple the first couple of questions. See what king of mood are they in, and what kind of girl they are. If she doesn't have depths start out by saying "How was your day". that is alaways a good coversation starter. It makes us girls feel ... (read in full...)

Best aftershaves and perfumes???

Q.   Hello, quick question. Girls, which (if any) (fairly cheap) colognes do you like the best? Guys, what do you think is best? I know it's not going to suddenly make all the girls in my school attracted to me, but I like to smell good. It creates a ...

A.   16 November 2008: whatever just don't over do it! That will chase the girls away! ... (read in full...)

I don't want to labeled as some 'sex freak.' Is there anything I can do?

Q.   Okay, this is a bit um... interesting. Here we go: I dated this girl for a very short time (I think it was about two weeks). We broke up because a. We weren't really meshing, and b. She was pressuring me to go too far too fast. The problem was,...

A.   16 November 2008: That is just wrong. I agree she needs a slap. She went wayyy too far.If you can Ignore it . But, if you can't ignore it send me a letter. I have all kinds of annoying but harmless tricks up my sleave. The reason that they are harmless is because you ... (read in full...)

I'm terrified he won't like me once I get my braces fitted.

Q.   I've been dating my bf for about 9 months and I'm getting braces soon, I wonder if they will make him fall out of love with me after I get my braces on? He is in a different grade level he will be going to college in a year. I fear that he will go ...

A.   16 November 2008: So don't worry. If he really likes you he won't care if you have braces or not. I have braces to. My boyfriend doesn't seem to mind. Remember if he really likes you he won't care either. If he does care a good boyfriend wouldn't care about a ... (read in full...)

Need Validation Please

Q.   I've been more alone than this - but never so lonely. I have absolutely nobody to talk to about this problem. When I was 15 I was infatuated with my best friend's older brother. If you were to read my diary it still has entries of only him. I was cr...

A.   16 November 2008: I admit I have a temper how could you of stayed with him that long????? You deserve to to be treated better!! By the way just a futre refrences never like a best friend's older brother. It always turns out wrong. Just remember he isn't the guy ... (read in full...)

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