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I need help! Why doesn't my husband want to have sex with me?

Q.   My husband never wants to have sex with me. Our sex life consists of me giving him blow jobs and very, very occassionally he might grace me with a couple of minutes penetration to stop me grumbling. I am sooooooo sexually frustrated and m...

A.   30 April 2009: I believe something is wrong. Do u communicate with him? Ask him to have sex and initiate sex? And I mean intercourse. There are a lot of possible problems and u need to find out. U have been married too long to give up without trying to talk and ... (read in full...)

How can I be a great boyfriend?

Q.   Hey. This amazing girl is going out with me now. I want to give her everything she deserves. My question is basically "How do I become a great boyfriend?" Any tips, or even your 'ideal' bf would be quite helpful. thanks!...

A.   30 April 2009: U need to be honest with her. Also communicate with her. Tell her what it is that u like about her and ask her what she likes to do. Get to know her. Treat her good and never lie to her. Help her when she has weaknesses to be strong and overcome ... (read in full...)

My life seems so boring compared to everyone elses

Q.   I feel like my life is so boring and inadequate. I've got good friends, but not a circle of friends. Whenever I go out, it will be with, say, one of my girlfriends and her boyfriend... It just seems everyone around me has huge groups of fri...

A.   30 April 2009: I hear u, but u have to stop comparing yourself to others. Shyness can get in the way of living ur life tho. I am proof of it sometimes, I have my ups and downs with shyness. Life can pass u by if u let it. Don't be afraid to call up ur friends to ... (read in full...)

Starting to wonder if I fancy women, not men...

Q.   I'm starting to wonder if I might be gay. I've never fancied women, or wanted relationships with them. But I've always found them more of a turn on than men - ie if I was watching porn with a boyfriend, it would be lesbian porn that I would cho...

A.   30 April 2009: That's a good question. I have to be honest that I think many women may wonder this about themself when they see a woman's body naked versus a man's. Women have beautiful bodies and men not so much. Our breast our beautiful and their sac kinda sags. ... (read in full...)

My husband revealed my secrets and completely broke my trust

Q.   I have always been in some ways disliked by my family in law over the last 15 years and for the last 5 years I have removed myself from their insulting comments. I have not once expected my husband to cut any ties that would be wrong and have ...

A.   29 April 2009: Good grief, u have a mess. Ur husband doesn't support u and that is enough to put u in depression. He has to choose u. U have to come first, before his family. I can understand him getting upset and going to talk to his family, but at the very ... (read in full...)

My best friend asked me out at the beginning of the year, I turned him down... Now I'm regretting it!

Q.   Okay so i think im in love with my best guy friend He's 17 and Im 15 and he's gonna be senior next year while im gonna be a sophmore. He asked me out at the beggining of the year but i turned him down cause i was too busy for a boy friend. He'...

A.   29 April 2009: Dear annonymous female age 15: The question I have for u is when did u start having the feelings for him? Was it after u and ur boyfriend were thru? Is ur best friend dating other girls? It does make a difference. I've been through somethin... (read in full...)

Any tips for a shy girl on top?

Q.   Just need a few tips about having sex on top!! Im 22 and have been with my boyfriend for 2years but everytime I build up the courage to go "on top" i freak out!! Dont have alot of confidence and basically dont really know what to do, am worried ...

A.   29 April 2009: Dear Anonymous: U need to remember that you are beautiful and wanted as a lover. You are a worthy person and are sexy. There is no reason to be nervous and feel inadequate. I too, can be shy, but I've learned that being shy gets in the way of m... (read in full...)

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