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What does it mean when a guy still cares about how his ex feels while he’s with you?

Tagged as: Dating, The ex-factor, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 February 2018) 5 Answers - (Newest, 25 February 2018)
A female United States age 26-29, *eJah writes:

What does it mean when a guy still cares about how his ex feels while he’s with you? Like when he sees she’s sad or not herself on social media he tells her things like “You know I got you, What’s wrong?”

View related questions: his ex

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (25 February 2018):

Just tell him that you've notice him doing that and it makes you feel uncomfortable. How committed he is to you, will depend on his reaction to what you said. If he is committed to you and now knows that the way he rescts to his ex makes you uncomfortable, he will stop or take a step back and be more cordial with her. If he starts making excuses or 'explaning', then that will suggest he is not 100% over her yet.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (25 February 2018):

Perhaps he wasn't over her when you came into the picture. Maybe you two committed too soon after they broke-up. I still care if anything bad happens to my ex; but I don't keep in-touch, check social media, and haven't seen nor heard from my ex since 2013! That's by choice.

If you see too much emotion and attachment between exes; sometimes it's best to see your way out before you invest too much of yourself. You have options.

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A female reader, mystiquek United States + , writes (25 February 2018):

mystiquek agony auntIt means he isn't worth being with because he isn't over her and as long as he has feelings for her you will always come second.

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A female reader, Andie's Thoughts United Kingdom +, writes (25 February 2018):

Andie's Thoughts agony auntSome people are friends with an ex. It doesn't automatically mean they have any romantic or sexual feelings clinging on. That said, it depends on how trustworthy they both are, as being there for her is one thing, but dropping everything to "rescue" her is something else.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States + , writes (25 February 2018):

Honeypie agony auntIt means he isn't over her and isn't going to fully commit to you (emotionally).

One thing is still having a cordial relationship with an ex, the other is thinking HE has to "rescue" her still whenever things a tough.

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